Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or A Cockerel? Click Here!

Here are mine. I don't even know the breeds. They were sold to me as Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. They are all about 4.5 weeks old.



I have 4 Ameracaunas I am hoping are mostly Pullets lol Any guesses are greatly appreciated
The last one is the only one I'm suspicious of being a cockerel, but all look to be pullets to me (remember, I could be wrong :p ). Also, they are most likely EEs, not Ameracuanas. Don't worry though, they still lay colored eggs. It is difficult to find pure Ameracaunas because people sell EEs as them.
I'm new to this. What is "SLW"? I have 2 chicks that look a lot like your black and white one. Is that the EE?
SLW stands for Silver Laced Wyandotte (a breed). Your chick is an EE. An SLW is different looking. I don't have a picture for reference, but if you search Silver Laced Wyandotte on BYC or Google, you can find a picture. Your chick is NOT an SLW. :) Hope that helps
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The last one is the only one I'm suspicious of being a cockerel, but all look to be pullets to me (remember, I could be wrong
). Also, they are most likely EEs, not Ameracuanas. Don't worry though, they still lay colored eggs. It is difficult to find pure Ameracaunas because people sell EEs as them.
Thanks for the heads up. I'm not disappointed at all if they turn out to be EE's, I was planning on getting some anyway and they are beautiful birds Ameracauna or not.
Almost 8 week old BOs. The first has a very fluffly butt already. Looks like a pullet to me, but a pink face. The second is smaller and has a slightly bigger comb. First time with Buffs...they seem tricky. I would love opinions! Thanks!

Chick 1



Chick 2

Almost 8 week old BOs. The first has a very fluffly butt already. Looks like a pullet to me, but a pink face. The second is smaller and has a slightly bigger comb. First time with Buffs...they seem tricky. I would love opinions! Thanks!

Chick 1



Chick 2

I'm thinking both are pullets. BOs can be another breed difficult to sex...

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