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What do you think? 8 week old EEs....
I've been having a very hard time sexing this chicken. Shortly after we got it, it starting acting somewhat aggressively and posturing much like I imagine a rooster would. At approximately 17 weeks, its comb/wattles are finally turning red and the aggression issue has only worsened. While it's not really aggressive to me, it's tormenting my poor cochin in particular (pulling out feathers, dragging her around by her foot, etc.)

I'm likely going to have to re-home it, but want to find out just what I have my hands on first. Any help sexing this chicken (aptly named Predator), would be appreciated.

Should he be showing rooster behavior? I'm guessing now that I looked back from when I bought him that he is somewhere between 4 months and 5 months old.

At 4-5 months old he probably will be. Cockerels don't reach full maturity until around 6 months but he may begin to show cockerel behaviour around your hens before that time. Cockerels generally don't start mating until they are fully matured, though.


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