Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Out of my eleven chicks, I know I have one rooster because he started crowing the other day. I'm 99% sure my welsummer is a rooster too. I'm feeling quite paranoid that my two golden laced wyandottes are roos too?? They are all 9 or 10 weeks old.

The welsummer...

Wyandotte 1

Wyandotte 2
Out of my eleven chicks, I know I have one rooster because he started crowing the other day. I'm 99% sure my welsummer is a rooster too. I'm feeling quite paranoid that my two golden laced wyandottes are roos too?? They are all 9 or 10 weeks old. The welsummer... Wyandotte 1 Wyandotte 2
Welsummer= too Wyandotte #1= possible too Wyandotte#2 loks like a pullet o
These are a few pix of our Golden Laced Wyandotte. We suspect roo because of the red comb, but it's still very flat at almost 5 weeks. What do you think?

Back with this Australorp, now 6 weeks old. Is there any question at this point, or is this 100% a cockerel? (They love their fermented feed, but they sure do get dirty eating it sometimes!)







I am new to the BYC community and this is my first time raising chickens! I have 3 Rhode Island Reds & 4 Black Marans (Or so I was told). They are almost 6 weeks old and I am worried I have more cockerels than pullets. Any help with identifying would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Thank you. I already made pre arrangements just in case to live on my uncles farm, so my kids won't be too sad, since they will get to see him. Thank you again!
I couldn't find my previous post, but here are some more pictures of the questionable chicken. The first pic (inside) is from today, the rest are from a few days ago. RIR, 8-9 weeks. I'm thinking just a really early developer, but Idk. Comb and wattles developed much earlier than all others, and turned pink/red at 4 weeks. The wattles haven't grown a ton since then. Some black tail feathers and some black on the neck. The comb grows back away from the face but that might be normal?

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