Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Im dying to know if (starburst) silkue is a hen please do tell



They got to get out for the first time for half an hour yesterday. I do believe the big EE is a roo, but now I am questioning on of our bantams ( not the fuzzy feet) because it wouldn't stop squawking. is that normal?
I purchased this EE as a chick and was told it had been sexed and was a pullet. I'm pretty sure it is a she, but I wanted a second opinion. Out of the two I bought she has more of a comb and its started turning red before the others. She's almost 10 weeks. No sign of Spurs.


I purchased this EE as a chick and was told it had been sexed and was a pullet. I'm pretty sure it is a she, but I wanted a second opinion. Out of the two I bought she has more of a comb and its started turning red before the others. She's almost 10 weeks. No sign of Spurs.

Sorry, that looks like a cockerel. (Not 100% sure so wait for other confirmation.) The hatcheries have about a 90% accuracy rate sexing just hatched chicks. The chicken guy at my feed store says the EEs seem to have more mistakes than other breeds. Spurs don't develop until about a year. The next male trait that develops (after the red comb and dark red across the wings) is usually pointed saddle feathers or crowing.
Hello! I decided to start another thread on helping all you back yard chicken farmers determine the sex of your chicken. Hello. I have a blue jersey giant. It's 2-3 months old. What do you think. Hen or roo?

I know it can sometimes be super tricky to identify gender in chicks, so that's why we made this thread! No need to start your own thread, just hop on here and share a picture of your chick, making sure it's at least 4 weeks old before asking gender. Me and @Jetblack2004
are almost 100% on genders for chicks 4 weeks+. 
So feel free to ask lots of questions regarding gender. We do NOT identify breeds, only gender. However, if anyone out there is good at identifying breeds, please let us know, we would love to have your help!



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