Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Definitely a pullet, but not Wheaten, and definitely not Marans with that yellow skin.

Oh it's definitely Marans. Bought eggs and hatched myself. The colour is definitely off and a throwback to something. But that egg was the colour of dark chocolate. The other girls I have from from the same hatch have very different colouring.
Oh it's definitely Marans. Bought eggs and hatched myself. The colour is definitely off and a throwback to something. But that egg was the colour of dark chocolate. The other girls I have from from the same hatch have very different colouring.
Just because the egg was dark, doesn't mean that the chick in there is the same breed as the hen. And it doesn't mean that the hen that laid the egg was a purebred either.



20 weeks....
Any idea on this cutie? Thanks in advance! :)

This is a cream legbar X pekin cross. There are three chicks with very similar colouring and I initially thought all three were boys, but one chick is smaller and the comb and wattles are less developed and more a pearly pink than bright red so I wondered if it might be a girl after all (the other two are definitely male!). They are around 8 weeks old.

Photos showing the chick by itself and also next to the definite boy.




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