Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Gorgeous indeed, I want one!

I would agree that she is a very pretty cochin, might have to get some barred cochins one day haha.
I am second guessing myself with this chick. I was thinking this was a pullet but she now has some weird tail feathers coming in which make me think roo. What do you think? Wheaten Marans, 7 weeks.



That one closest to the camera is definitely male.

Oh man and I feel bad to just return him cause he is very close to the other hen. I guess im going to have to buy a separate hen for my male bantam but it'll take time for them to accept each other cause he is not happy with him. Looks like I have to make another pen for them. If they don't get along.

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