Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

I bought them around the end of March or beginning of April. It was one of the last weeks that our tractor supply had chickens for sale. It was not sex linked. I bought two barred rocks from them. This one is bigger than the barred rock that I purchased at the same time. It is also lighter and almost as big as my monster silkie (friend who raises chickens said silkies aren't supposed to be that size normally). It is larger than the easter egg rooster. This chicken has not crowed like the others do.

I think the barred rock hen is about 1/2 the size of this barred rock. I assumed that they were maybe different shipments and hence why one was bigger but while the other barred rock is the size of the hens, this one is more the size of monster silkie.

The comb is also more red and it has more red under the chin than the other barred rock. It has more of a wattle and comb than the other one. I just assumed it was a hen because it never crowed. I did notice today that it jumped on the back of a chicken for about two seconds before getting off so I wasn't sure if it was mating or attempting to establish hen pecking order.

If it was a rooster, wouldn't it have crowed by now? About two weeks ago the silkie and the easter egger were crowing up a storm for the hell of it while I fed the chickens.

We honestly thought it was a rooster at first but it never crowed so we just marked it down as a hen but now I'm not so sure. I don't know if we have enough hens to support 3 roosters either and my small coop is broken now.

Best picture: and

Other barred rock for comparison
Yep, you have one male and one female.
Yep, you have one male and one female.
Thanks! I'll have to take a look at obtaining a few new hens and get the small coop repaired so I can "introduce" the new hens. So far there isn't that much of a fight between pecking orders between the roosters then.
Is this an Emma or Emmett??? She has started mounting my other confirmed hens



Can you sex silkies?? I purchased these siblings 3 weeks ago and was told the hatch date was June 23, so around 3.5 months old.


Individual pics to follow...

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