Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

I'm guessing three roos since they're all the same age. See any difference in feathers in the back? Saddle feathers..maybe be a couple of weeks early still. You got them all at the same time from the same place?

Yes, all are the same age and came from the same place. However, I see no distinct differences in their feathers at this time. I agree that at least three are definitely male.
Another question she has one eye that looks white in the middle. Kind of like a cataract. Would that be in fact a cataract?

AmberLM, I just wanted to chime in to say that I have a beautiful Australia!or hen named Opal. She and two other hens were given to me by a very caring couple that bought the 3 together under a week old.
For whatever reasons,Opal had similar issues in one eye, got an ointment in that eye to prevent infection and went on to become a lovely sweet hen with eyesight in one eye. She gets along just fine and is one of the best tempered chickens I've ever been blessed to care for!
I just wanted to give you a positive story.
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I have 12 four week old EE's, and there should be at least one cockerel in the mix. This is the only one that looks male to me so far. What do you think?




I apologize for the image quality, my phone is a potato.

Edit: Yeah, he took a poop on my table...
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I have 12 four week old EE's, and there should be at least one cockerel in the mix. This is the only one that looks male to me so far. What do you think?




I apologize for the image quality, my phone is a potato.

Edit: Yeah, he took a poop on my table...

I would speculate and agree cockerel

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