Not touching oyster shells? Thin eggs


Apr 27, 2021
East Texas
This is one of my two feeding stations. (I have two more watering, one without nipples, because it’s super hot right now)
My buff Orpington is either 1 1/2 or 2 1/2 years old. The lady I got her from couldn’t remember.
We updated the coop a few weeks ago which scared her. She laid a rubbery egg right where she was standing, then stopped laying altogether.
Yesterday, she laid again!! Thinish shell but not too bad. She laid again today, and the shell broke in the nesting box 🙁.
I haven’t seen her touch the oyster shells. I just saw her snub them actually. I feed a flock raiser as I have different ages in my coop and 1 male chick. The other hens eggs are fine.
Could this just be her body getting used to laying again?? Is there something else I should do?
Since you know exactly which bird is the problem bird, isolate her for a private breakfast. 2-3x a week serve a small bowl (like 1 Tbsp is fine) of wet or fermented feed with oyster shell mixed in. If she does not like chunks of oyster shell, crush it up or use the powdery remnants from bottom of the bag. Should only take her minutes to eat and after that she's free to go.

Assuming her issue is simply insufficient calcium intake, you should see results in a week or two, and you can try reducing it to 1-2x a week and should hopefully continue getting good results. If you still have the same issue, then you might need to try pills of calcium citrate instead for a faster, bigger calcium boost.
Since you know exactly which bird is the problem bird, isolate her for a private breakfast. 2-3x a week serve a small bowl (like 1 Tbsp is fine) of wet or fermented feed with oyster shell mixed in. If she does not like chunks of oyster shell, crush it up or use the powdery remnants from bottom of the bag. Should only take her minutes to eat and after that she's free to go.

Assuming her issue is simply insufficient calcium intake, you should see results in a week or two, and you can try reducing it to 1-2x a week and should hopefully continue getting good results. If you still have the same issue, then you might need to try pills of calcium citrate instead for a faster, bigger calcium boost.
This might also make her like me more. 😁. Since I got her as an adult, she’s not big on cuddles. She comes when I enter the run, but mostly just to see if I have snacks.

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