November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

This is my first attempt at hatching eggs. I'm using a Hova Bator 1602N. I have Buff Orpingtons, BBS Marans, BBS Americaunas and Light Brahmas. I hope something hatches. I have worried so much about the settings for temperature and humidity that you would think I laid the eggs myself. The eggs were just put into the incubator at 9:45 p.m. today 11/03. I sure hope something hatches. I collected the Buffs from my hens because the rooster got taken and I wanted to try to hatch some of their chicks and I ordered eggs from 3 different sellers on eBay. All the eggs arrived in perfect condition without any cracks or breakage. Right now the temperature is about 51% and the temperature is 99.5.

Here's hoping.....

You have a pretty easy going bator. It will keep the temp where it worries at trying to tweek it right. The humidity. I usually do what is considered a dry humidity until lock down. I keep mine in the mid 30's until then. You can either do this by putting just a bit of water in one of the wells, where it will only go half way across the well, or, use a new clean sponge...which is what I do. I just wet the tip, and usually have to rewet it a couple of times a day. No biggy for me. Anyone else keep their humidity in the 30's? Used to be, keep it in the 50's, now they are saying in the 50's to low 60's for lock down. Works great for me. :) Good luck, you WILL get some to hatch.
Very pretty eggs!
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You have a pretty easy going bator.   It will keep the temp where it worries at trying to tweek it right.   The humidity.  I usually do what is considered a dry humidity until lock down.   I keep mine in the mid 30's until then.  You can either do this by putting just a bit of water in one of the wells, where it will only go half way across the well, or, use a new clean sponge...which is what I do.  I just wet the tip, and usually have to rewet it a couple of times a day.  No biggy for me.   Anyone else keep their humidity in the 30's?    Used to be, keep it in the 50's, now they are saying in the 50's to low 60's for lock down.  Works great for me.   :)    Good luck, you WILL get some to hatch.
Very pretty eggs!

It's always hard to know last hatch I kept mine (shipped eggs) around 40% and had it around 70% for hatch 19/20 hatched. I had a person that hatches a lot 1000's of chicks a year say he keeps it around 70% the whole time....I think a lot of ppl do it differently w/ humidity depending on air cells while others don't even check air cells. I read too much and always am second guessing my methods! I'm sure yours will do great. Last hatch my babes popped out 21 days and 1 hour after setting. So a late set could be a long night if your a worrier like me lol! Good luck I set yesterday as well a variety of orps and few lav AMs so ours will be due at the same time!
This is my first attempt at hatching eggs. I'm using a Hova Bator 1602N. I have Buff Orpingtons, BBS Marans, BBS Americaunas and Light Brahmas. I hope something hatches. I have worried so much about the settings for temperature and humidity that you would think I laid the eggs myself. The eggs were just put into the incubator at 9:45 p.m. today 11/03. I sure hope something hatches. I collected the Buffs from my hens because the rooster got taken and I wanted to try to hatch some of their chicks and I ordered eggs from 3 different sellers on eBay. All the eggs arrived in perfect condition without any cracks or breakage. Right now the temperature is about 51% and the temperature is 99.5. Here's hoping.....
Good luck! I highly recommend lowering the humidity to about 30-35% then raising it up to 65%for lockdown. Works wonderful :)
You have a pretty easy going bator. It will keep the temp where it worries at trying to tweek it right. The humidity. I usually do what is considered a dry humidity until lock down. I keep mine in the mid 30's until then. You can either do this by putting just a bit of water in one of the wells, where it will only go half way across the well, or, use a new clean sponge...which is what I do. I just wet the tip, and usually have to rewet it a couple of times a day. No biggy for me. Anyone else keep their humidity in the 30's? Used to be, keep it in the 50's, now they are saying in the 50's to low 60's for lock down. Works great for me. :) Good luck, you WILL get some to hatch. Very pretty eggs!
I do anywhere from 25-35% to incubate and 65%for lockdown/hatching. Always works like a dream for me.

That's two! Happy chicks, hardly an overnight peep!

Yeah babies!!!
Thanks for the info! The humidity was not as easy to deal with as the temperature. This morning it is down to 47 (from 51). I am not sure how low I should let it drop?. Will it harm the eggs if it continues to go down at the beginning? I can easily get it back up at the end, but I don't know about letting it get lower right now and how much?

My husband was amazed that I didn't check the incubator first thing this morning. I waited almost 1/2 hour. I did put a sponge in there for a while yesterday and some rice so maybe that is what helped lower it. I took the sponge out, but left the rice. It is so humid here in Mississippi.

Only 20-1/2 more days.........
Gave my 8 eggs a glance again last night... 2 look great and I even saw movement while candling... 1 has a definite blood ring... a few of them are still too jiggly looking to think they will do okay... I am guessing I will get 2/8 to hatch... hoping for a few more but will take whatever I get :) Hoping against hope that they are girls though..LOL..
That is really sweet that you bought them from the kids. I hope you have a great hatch.

I bought some silkies last year as day olds. Couldn't believe how much they ate, little velociraptors. Be interesting to see which of our starts hatching first:)

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