November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I posted under reply as yet.
I have a silkie chick with a crumble caught in it's throat..
crying, gasping for air..............I can feel a little is to far down to get it out.............
Any ideas.oh, I gave it a few drops of bubbled back up
Day number 8, just candled my eggs. Out of 12 Ameraucana eggs, 10 have good veining and at least 3 of those have a strong moving blob inside!
10 out of 12 seems pretty good for shipped eggs. My little Phoenix mix egg also looks good. Less than 2 more weeks to stress over temperature and humidity...


Sadly I'm a newby and just realized what a blood ring looks like. I recandled and verified 6 definitely alive and kicking from the Ameraucanas, One Ameraucana that has veins but I think may have quit. and my little Phoenix mix is still ok also. I just cracked open 5 eggs, two never started and 3 started and quit.

Quote: not every egg turns to a chick even if they are from your own your good...I have 19 eggs that locked down Wednesday....sure not ever one will hatch there's usually a few that don't make it....once in a while they all will but that's not the norm!
I have 2 3 month old Phoenix bantams a boy and a girl....his tail is already getting so long and it's a hunter green color

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