November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

For the first time in a while I am nervous... My Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs that were shipped to me went into lockdown today. I have NEVER had a good hatch from shipped eggs and I have 15 of 18 looking fabulous - but I am afraid to get my hopes up...!!!! And it doesn't help that my whole outside flock is like in the middle of the plague or something (OK not literally but it feels like that with 16 dead birds so far). I am doing everything I can to keep from accidentally cross contaminating the inside brooder babies with the germs from the outside flock. But I am very afraid... As an added protection I have set up a second, totally separate brooder that will have the new babies separate from last week's babies. They will be isolated in the back bathroom on the far end of the house. Hoping that is enough... *sigh* This is the last hatch of the year and I can't wait for it to be over. This is so stressful dealing with a mystery illness. Monday I ship some of the victims to Texas A & M and will hopefully find out it is something I can vaccinate the new babies against :fl


I already want more. :( They so stinking cute.

I love silkie babies. They are extra cute.
I think one of my Marans crosses from last week might not be OK internally. I don't think she can poop. She isn't growing like the others are, never has a full crop, chirps a lot, and now her abdomen looks distended and sticks out way past her bottom. I felt around her navel and it is hard as a rock and very large. I massaged it and though maybe she would poop but she didn't. I actually used a tiny syringe and tried flushing her vent a little bit in hopes that maybe if she was constipated it might help her out. So far nothing
She never stops chirping... I don't have high hopes.
What about a warm bath and massage the tummy while in the water? It worked for my son when he was a toddler. How old? Is it less than a week?
For the first time in a while I am nervous... My Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs that were shipped to me went into lockdown today. I have NEVER had a good hatch from shipped eggs and I have 15 of 18 looking fabulous - but I am afraid to get my hopes up...!!!! And it doesn't help that my whole outside flock is like in the middle of the plague or something (OK not literally but it feels like that with 16 dead birds so far). I am doing everything I can to keep from accidentally cross contaminating the inside brooder babies with the germs from the outside flock. But I am very afraid... As an added protection I have set up a second, totally separate brooder that will have the new babies separate from last week's babies. They will be isolated in the back bathroom on the far end of the house. Hoping that is enough... *sigh* This is the last hatch of the year and I can't wait for it to be over. This is so stressful dealing with a mystery illness. Monday I ship some of the victims to Texas A & M and will hopefully find out it is something I can vaccinate the new babies against
I put 19 shipped in at lock down and 15 hatched

how's it looking today?? pips? chicks?
Locking down the silkies tonight
I did a dry incubation in my Little Giant because I have learned that's what works best and they all have very nice air cells at last candle. I think 18 have made it to lockdown but we'll see when I do the final candle and pop them in!

Also, one of my brahmas and Peanut, the duckling, just finished going three rounds. It was nuts, but I had to let them settle it because separating them and putting them back together after a few minutes wasn't working. Peanut has a little cut above her eye and Paprika the brahma lost some feathers but they're finally done, exhausted, and sleeping curled up together. Ugh, I have never seen such serious dominance fighting in chicks and ducklings this young.
So I have a silly beginner question. Tomorrow is hatch day for our first set of eggs. I have obviously been watching them very closely. We are hatching in a homemade Styrofoam incubator. I have been very unsure of weather the eggs were developing well or not all along because I just don't think my light was strong enough for our very dark brown and green eggs. Anyway, I came home yesterday and went straight to the incubator. When I looked at one of the eggs set to hatch Sunday, it was shaking vigorously...really it was actually vibrating. To the point that I wondered if something external was causing it, but was unable to find a cause and it was only one egg out of 12 shaking. So my question is, am I crazy or do eggs sometimes shake to the point they appear to vibrate prior to hatching?? I have noticed this happening today a few times. It seems to last about 10 minutes then stop for a while then begin again. Really hope it is a sign that a baby is in our near future!!

Thanks in advance for any info!!

they do!! isn't that fun....once they start that I'm stuck at the incubator to's amazing every time!!
has it hatched this morning? pipped?
I have 9
chicks that hatched yesterday in the hatcher still but I'm anxious for the Marans due next Sat....there is something wrong with me lol

I'm trying to figure out where I'm going to grow all these chicks until there old enough for the coop!!

I'll probably have a look at those wheaton eggs's day 5...not expecting much but really hoping!!

and just to 5 is too early to make a final judgment... I'm just anxious to have a look because of the roller coaster ride they went on to get here!
I bought 24 eggs and started the incubation process 19 days ago. Out of the 24, 19 are viable (last check was at day 16) which include 4 anconas, 4 RHR and 11 pekin bantams.

So we are in lockdown and the temp is steady at 99.5 and humidity is at 55% which I think I am happy not to try and get it any higher. Does anyone check the water levels after lockdown? I just don't want to run dry!! No noise or anything yet but that hasn't stopped me from continually putting my ear to the incubator haha!

Look forward to seeing more photos of your babies :)
I bought 24 eggs and started the incubation process 19 days ago. Out of the 24, 19 are viable (last check was at day 16) which include 4 anconas, 4 RHR and 11 pekin bantams.

So we are in lockdown and the temp is steady at 99.5 and humidity is at 55% which I think I am happy not to try and get it any higher. Does anyone check the water levels after lockdown? I just don't want to run dry!! No noise or anything yet but that hasn't stopped me from continually putting my ear to the incubator haha!

Look forward to seeing more photos of your babies :)
if I feel the humidity needs to be pumped up I stick a wet paper towel in real quick.....some use a syringe or a straw or something to add water through the vent hole
some put a wet sponge...happy hatching

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