November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Sweet little fuzz balls.  I can't wait for one of my chickens to go broody.

Yeah little chickies!
I can't wait to see pictures of your babies when they hatch.  I never seen a pekin bantam.

No pekin bantams on your side of the world? They are cute! Little feathers feet and all :)

So many cute babies hatching! Might go for one last 'check' of the incubator before bed :)
No pekin bantams on your side of the world? They are cute! Little feathers feet and all :)

So many cute babies hatching! Might go for one last 'check' of the incubator before bed :)
. We do. But what you call Pekin's in Australia, we call Cochin's her in the states. Cute little basketball chickens! When we hear Pekin, we usually think of ducks.
The temptation to take off the lid for a 'look' is killing me! Can't hear anything yet so hopefully day 20 I will see some action! Luckily is is bedtime in Australia so I will have the backs of my eyelids to focus on for a bit!

We finished the new perches, laying box and brooder box today (will share photos later) and moved our new coop into position. Just need to wire the base due to foxes and we are done! Not a cheap hobby this chooken breeding thing! Anyway, this is my new hutch for the bantams...
I lived abroad and had a good number of Aussie get's comical all the different names for things and then the same words that have totally different meanings can be even more entertaining in conversation! :lol:
Does anybody know if inbreeding chickens is bad

I have heard breeding the father to the daughter is okay, but mother to son was bad? I want to say breeding siblings is bad too. o-o

Take my statement with a grain of salt- just something I remember reading somewhere. x:

There is both inbreeding and line breeding. Most people think of inbreeding when something goes wrong and the offspring has issues.

You can breed mother to son, father to daughter, half brother to half sister, cousin to cousin, aunt to nephew, and uncle to niece. Now with that said when line breeding you can either amplify the best genes or the worst so when breeding related animals there is always a chance of getting an animal with many undesirable traits. So like breeding other animals when line breeding or inbreeding cull hard (don't have to kill just don't breed) only breed the best offspring back into your flock. After a few breeding a you will want to outcross and breed them to unrelated birds.

Hope this helps :) this is a very condensed version of what my college professor was teaching a couple weeks ago which apples to all species of animals.
I was peering in the hatcher at my Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs and decided to replace the batteries in my flashlight and do one last candling at day 19. Down from 15 to 13 eggs. STILL phenomenal considering I only bought 12 :) Previously with shipped eggs I have a 5 out of 112 eggs set success rate while I have a nearly 100% hatch rate with my own and local eggs :/ :fl No more quitters babies, you hear me??? all you need to do is hatch now - and then STAY HEALTHY!!

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