November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I feel so awful about the 3 week old! I feel that was my fault!
I am so sorry..........believe me, we all have our mistakes that wouldn't have happened if we had done something different.
But we are just human and unable to think of every little detail..............for sure with your commitment to your flock, you would never have
let this happen on purpose. Try to be easy on yourself.................
well I've lost 2 day! 1 was a faverolle
1 was a 3 week old that died from shock after the ducks terrorized her...
the other faverolle is actually looking stronger...still has spasms but it's got some life :fl
Oh my, so sorry :( I count my blessings I made it through another day with no death. Plenty of sick birds that look terrible, but I do think some are starting to look a little better maybe. :fl
It might help to know that they work then rest, work then rest...........
All normal..........and yes it is hard to wait..........I lucked out last time and had quite a few hatch when I was asleep...............
That is what I am hoping!! I really hope I just keep catching the rest periods and see some action soon! I haven't seen any motion from the other egg, and I was questionable about it at last candling, but going to give it time and see what happens anyway since I am new to this. Def don't want to throw out a viable baby!!!
day 5 on the Wheaton eggs...the ones that came damaged...there are actually a few with veins!!
Marans look good,,,,hard to see movement but there's nice air cell and chicks

today has been bitter sweet...13 newbies thriving...the little girl with wry neck is a lot stronger! I have hope that the vitamins will help..
day 5 on the Wheaton eggs...the ones that came damaged...there are actually a few with veins!!
Marans look good,,,,hard to see movement but there's nice air cell and chicks :jumpy

today has been bitter sweet...13 newbies thriving...the little girl with wry neck is a lot stronger! I have hope that the vitamins will help..

That's good to hear! I'm getting eggs tuesday and going to te y one more time before spring! Hopefully something hatches this time instead of a 0/10 hatch!

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