November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I placed the remaining 4 which 1 had a large pip in it so I assume it's hatching soon and 2 others had the into rial crack before pipping so they wouldn't be too far behind. They'd all be within days if each other. Do you think momma 2 will abandon the eggs even if this chicks go back to momma 1?
I placed the remaining 4 which 1 had a large pip in it so I assume it's hatching soon and 2 others had the into rial crack before pipping so they wouldn't be too far behind. They'd all be within days if each other. Do you think momma 2 will abandon the eggs even if this chicks go back to momma 1?
if you take them and she can't get to them I would think she'd stay with the eggs
Random Question:

Anyone hatch quail before?  I don't know what I would even do with quail, we only have chickens and turkeys, but I've noticed the eggs on ebay are always like 5-6 dozen opposed to like 6-8 for chicken eggs.  Is it that their hatch rate is so low?  Or do they just lay an abundance of eggs?  Anyone keep quail?  I know this sounds dense, but what is the point of keeping them?  For ornamental purposes like a peacock?  Doesn't seem like you would get much for the meat or eggs.  And 5 dozen eggs is going pretty cheap on there!
hi I have my first set of japanese quail in the incubator. Im growing them for funvand also hoping a couple of chefs will want the eggs, or the extra lads. Plus theyre small and easy to keep in my 1/4 acre town plot. Of course im going on No experience with them, just my Chicky babes ;).
I agree if they ever started to develop there would be some evidence...

If you saw nothing but yolk..........sounds like they were not fertile........... I had a temp spike of 110 and they still hatched.I know they aren't suppose to.
But they did.............
You know I had wondered if they were fertile also. The rooster that I thought was fertilizing the hens I pulled eggs from is my love bug of a Rhode Island Red. He is getting up there in years, not sure of exact age as I didn't raise him from a chick. He is HUGE! One of the biggest roosters I have ever seen. We have noticed this last couple weeks that he doesn't get around as quickly as he used to. We are planning to let him free range soon. We have other roosters, he just happens to be my favorite so far because he was my first chicken ever. I'm wondering if he hasn't been fertilizing the eggs, or ALL of the eggs anyway since obviously at least one was fertile. He was also the father of the chicks my broody hatched last month as well.

I got my Speckled Sussex and Frizzles today! They are super cute. I'm in love with them already. VERY sweet chickens. I didn't get a chance to take pics today because I wanted to let them settle in some. The poor Sussex was being picked on before I got her, so she's a little nervous.

After picking up those chickens I got a call from a family member who has been telling me for MONTHS that a Rhode Island rooster showed up "stray" at her house IN TOWN. We have tried catching him a couple times since no one claims him in the area, but each time he gets away. He has been there since JUNE. Obviously he has become a little wild in that time. Her neighbors declared this evening that they are tired of the crowing and if he isn't out of there by roosting tomorrow, they plan to shoot him.
So of course hubby and I went over and spent some time trying to catch him this evening. He flew from his roosting spot in a high tree when he approached and too hard to find him in the dark. He is a beautiful chicken and I just can't let people hurt this chicken. So OF COURSE....I will be back over there in the morning, trying again to catch him again. Hopefully I can catch him before the JERKS do. I know people raise chickens for meat, but something just doesn't seem right about hunting down a chicken that has been a pet until recently then shooting it while it is roosting. If I catch him, he will be a part of my flock tomorrow!
If I catch him, he will be a part of my flock tomorrow!

Do you have a medium sized wire cage by chance? I have caught many a chicken with treats on the inside of a wire cage ;) a pet taxi might work too, but the solid walls usually freak them out. Treat goes in the far end, I close the door behind them! Chicken trapper! Good luck :)
Do you have a medium sized wire cage by chance? I have caught many a chicken with treats on the inside of a wire cage ;) a pet taxi might work too, but the solid walls usually freak them out. Treat goes in the far end, I close the door behind them! Chicken trapper! Good luck :)
Tried that. See I think if I had tried that as soon as he showed up I may have caught him, but he's been wild since AT LEAST June. He hasn't survived by being a Dummy, that's for sure. We have a net also. I think my best hope is that my mother in law, who called me, has silkies. He is very interested in them and likes to walk around outside their pen. He also trusts her because she has fed him once in a while when he comes close enough. Anyone else, he bolts when you are ten feet away. According to one neighbor that have been trying to shoot him for months as it is, so he's a little skittish. I am going to try to net him tomorrow, or have her net him rather, when he comes to eat and play near her chickens. Hopefully that will work, This is our last chance I'm afraid.
Tried that.  See I think if I had tried that as soon as he showed up I may have caught him, but he's been wild since AT LEAST June.  He hasn't survived by being a Dummy, that's for sure.  We have a net also.  I think my best hope is that my mother in law, who called me, has silkies.  He is very interested in them and likes to walk around outside their pen.  He also trusts her because she has fed him once in a while when he comes close enough.  Anyone else, he bolts when you are ten feet away.  According to one neighbor that have been trying to shoot him for months as it is, so he's  a little skittish.  I am going to try to net him tomorrow, or have her net him rather, when he comes to eat and play near her chickens.  Hopefully that will work,  This is our last chance I'm afraid.

I hope for his sake u catch him!:fl
I need some help with candling. I have 12 eggs in the incubator - day 7 today. It looks like I have several non-starters, and maybe some early quitters. Six are pretty dark Maran eggs, so I'm not making any speculations about those. So what do these look like?

Would you say this is an early quitter?


Is this a blood ring?


And this is a Maran egg - but what is with the 3 shades in layers?


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