November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

It depends on the eggs. A lot of people have eggs hatch upto 5 days late. Mine almost always hatch within 12 hours if they are the same kind, stored the same, started at the same time. But if they are different kinds, could be days inbetween. Sometimes some start if they have been shipped. If nothing smells, doesn't hurt to leave them untiil day 25.

A few different breeds from what I can tell, at least two different ones for sure. Had a smell before Pretzel hatched but it had been a double yoker that the other yolk didnt go past day 10 or so. After that the smell was almost gone. Still have it faintly but I know I have two eggs in there that didn't progress past day 15 or so. and one in particular the smell is very much coming from... just havent had the heart to throw it out yet.

I candled a couple --- i know terrible to do in lockdown but I kept a close eye on the gauge for humidity and temp so it wouldnt go far when i did so... first timer impatience... )) Two were still moving a little (thor and sponge) and another wasnt moving at all from what i could tell.
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I love my Max. He is so sweet, cuddley and funny. He keeps me laughing. My parents keep telling to write a childrens book. There's too much to choose from but I'm working on it. I will tell Max he has fans in New Zealand. He'll like that. You kids might like this. It's Max playing pee a boo with my feet.

It depends on the eggs. A lot of people have eggs hatch upto 5 days late. Mine almost always hatch within 12 hours if they are the same kind, stored the same, started at the same time. But if they are different kinds, could be days inbetween. Sometimes some start if they have been shipped. If nothing smells, doesn't hurt to leave them untiil day 25.

max is hilarious! we love him!
Max was being so good at first. Standing over the box watching quietly. I picked up each chick, photographed, fed vitamin water, checked it's wings, feet and beak and tried my best to sex them. On the 9th or 10th chick, Max snapped and grabbed it's toe. I scolded Max and he behaved for a minute and then tried to yank the next chick out of my hand. He got in trouble. He pouted off to his corner of the room and didn't come out until all chicks were back in the brooder.

wow look at him...he looks like a turkey!! be good to the babies Maxie!
Curiosity since this is our first time incubating and hatching... so far we have had 8 hatches (1 died) and still have 15 left in the incubator. Been hatching since day 19, its day 21 now and will be until 10:30am tomorrow (its 8:09pm now). No more pips yet or egg movement, a few of the eggs in there I saw move yesterday or the day before. Will they still likely hatch? Is it normal to have long period of no pips after 8 hatches? What is the overall average hatch rate in general?? Hoping more hatch, but I guess my impatience has me worrying there wont be any more.

Oh and last one hatched at 5:40pm (as i said before, 8:09pm now)
it's strange isn't it...they go in at the same time but some mature slower...yes it is normal for some to hatch long after the others.
Jumping into this thread, I have my first eggs in the bator right now. Put 21 duck eggs in back on Oct 25 and 21 more chicken eggs on Nov 1. The ducks are Indian Runners and Welsh Harlequin/Indian Runner cross, the chicks are 11 Rhodebars and 10 mixes from my layer flock. Have candled the ducks a couple of times, they are doing great. Doing my best to be patient with the chickens, but I think I'm going to have to break down and candle them tomight :) I can't see making it to day 7 LOL
I love my Max.  He is so sweet, cuddley and funny.  He keeps me laughing.  My parents keep telling to write a childrens book.  There's too much to choose from but I'm working on it.  I will tell Max he has fans in New Zealand.  He'll like that.  You kids might like this.  It's Max playing pee a boo with my feet. 

It depends on the eggs.  A lot of people have eggs hatch upto 5 days late.  Mine almost always hatch within 12 hours if they are the same kind, stored the same, started at the same time.  But if they are different kinds, could be days inbetween.  Sometimes some start if they have been shipped.  If nothing smells, doesn't hurt to leave them untiil day 25.

That video is to cute I just love ur max wonder wt my two turkeys would have looked like if they were still alive!:love
A few different breeds from what I can tell, at least two different ones for sure. Had a smell before Pretzel hatched but it had been a double yoker that the other yolk didnt go past day 10 or so. After that the smell was almost gone. Still have it faintly but I know I have two eggs in there that didn't progress past day 15 or so. and one in particular the smell is very much coming from... just havent had the heart to throw it out yet.

I candled a couple --- i know terrible to do in lockdown but I kept a close eye on the gauge for humidity and temp so it wouldnt go far when i did so... first timer impatience... )) Two were still moving a little (thor and sponge) and another wasnt moving at all from what i could tell.
I'd take out if they smell. They are bad and can spread to the egg next to it very quickly. I had one once and it contaminated 4 others before I smelled it. Sometimes double yolkers will have one yolk quit and start to rot and make the surviving chick in the egg sick. I think someone one here lost the chick that hatch from contamination of the twin yolk. Did yourdouble yolker have one chick survive? I've only heard of one person having both chicks hatched but there must be a few others out there somewhere.
I'd take out if they smell. They are bad and can spread to the egg next to it very quickly. I had one once and it contaminated 4 others before I smelled it. Sometimes double yolkers will have one yolk quit and start to rot and make the surviving chick in the egg sick. I think someone one here lost the chick that hatch from contamination of the twin yolk. Did yourdouble yolker have one chick survive? I've only heard of one person having both chicks hatched but there must be a few others out there somewhere.

Oh! I will take them out then. Yes, the 1 chicken from the double yoker lived and appears to be very active and healthy. It was actually my quickest hatch, it rolled a lot and then once it piped it was out in just a 1-2 minutes. Perhaps anxious to get away from the smell? :hmm
Aloha everyone, I'm new and this is my first-ever egg incubating experience. I've read a lot, asked a lot, and prayed a lot. Kind opinions are always welcome. I have an OLD GQF 1266 cabinet model that is holding steady at 99.5 F. Auto turner.

I weighed 12 eggs of 29 going into the incubator. At Day 7 the BBS Marans eggs have lost between 2.03 and 7.8% (average 5.58%). The barnyard mix eggs have lost between 4.66 and 14.64% (average 7.62%). Obviously I have upped the RH but here are my questions: Why the wildly different weight losses? The mixed breed eggs in general look more porous, but the most porous one lost the least (4.66%) I can only assume that taking the average is the best I can do and adjusting RH with that average information.

The candling was pretty much useless. I clearly saw air sacs in most but struggled to find them in others. Some appeared "clear" but most had "something" in them and only saw blood vessels in a couple. I need more light! I sure didn't see the clear development shown in photos (must be white eggs they use for pictures). I left all the eggs in the incubator until I can see better. I "think" one of the Marans eggs was upside-down (air sac on bottom) so I turned it around.

Feeling pretty uncertain but forging ahead.

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