November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Quote: She's doing good! Here she is with her new friends:

And one more EE is zipping at the moment, plus miss Peanut duckling is pipped and getting ready to come out. Last one I'm waiting on is the fav egg that hasn't pipped yet.

Better pictures later when the chicks are more with it and I can get them in my light box.
too sweet
One quick update, then pictures. That faverolles egg I though never pipped? It did. Toward the bottom. It had a super large air cell so I'm thinking that's what threw her off. Anyway she pipped, yay! I don't have to worry about her not getting air any more.
She's doing good! Here she is with her new friends:

And one more EE is zipping at the moment, plus miss Peanut duckling is pipped and getting ready to come out. Last one I'm waiting on is the fav egg that hasn't pipped yet.

Better pictures later when the chicks are more with it and I can get them in my light box.
super super cute!!
oct #1 hatch was due yesterday so now on day 22 with no eggs wiggling and no pipps.. batch #1 started with 24 eggs.... not giving up yet but loosing hope.

oct #2 hatch is on day 18 today 29 ee and oe eggs.. hope they are more on time than hatch 1..

oct #3 hatch on day 14 and wiggling happily..(12 silkie eggs so i can actually see in these)

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