November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

She didn't make it either. They both died. I'm devastated. I really thought I could save her.

I am sorry for your loss :c

This made me giggle. :) So cute!
SHe is determined. She got in there and ruffled and ruffled. Then the egg song. I ran in to see her egg. I looked in and found nothing. She looked puzzled. The she started looking everywhere for her egg, even on top of the washing machine. Then she went back in. SHe is still in the bag right now. Concentrating. Max is pacing, I am worrying. My dog is sleepiing, she can sleep thru anything. I will go out and buy another bag of pine shavings so Sara can keep laying in the house if it works. Sara is the only chicken that knocks on the door. After she came in I had 2 more chickens out there knocking. Maybe the others will learn from Sara. Here is a couple of videos I posted on my chicken page.

We are all being so quiet. I don't want to disturb Sara. The TV is off. I on the bed so my feet don't make noise. My phone and computer are on mute. This is almost as bad as my first hatch. Since Sara is an EE, I don't know what color her egg will be. I love surprises.

We are all being so quiet. I don't want to disturb Sara. The TV is off. I on the bed so my feet don't make noise. My phone and computer are on mute. This is almost as bad as my first hatch. Since Sara is an EE, I don't know what color her egg will be. I love surprises.

I love that you are so into your animals lol....i'm almost right there with you.
Hi everyone. I stopped hatching for a little over a month. But I now have 5 eggs due to hatch on Oct 21st. Four are black silkies and the 1 is a paint silkie. It was the extra egg so of course it would develop. These were shipped and I had no damage to air cells! I am 1 week to lockdown. Here is a candle pic I took today.
Hi everyone. I stopped hatching for a little over a month. But I now have 5 eggs due to hatch on Oct 21st. Four are black silkies and the 1 is a paint silkie. It was the extra egg so of course it would develop. These were shipped and I had no damage to air cells! I am 1 week to lockdown. Here is a candle pic I took today.
So happy to see you again......................
Man do I ever need a new flashlight. I cannot even see the veins with mine. I can see yours clearly.
SARA LAID AN EGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if it fell into the basket or she moved to the basket. She came to my bedroom door, where I was waiting, and did one quick egg song. She waited until I found it. I saw her egg and picked it up, then she walked away. I think she was very proud of it and wanted to be sure I saw it. Then she went back outside. She is the only chicken that is like this with me. She is very special. I can hear her outside telling everyone.

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