November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Sara came in to lay an egg and get some cuddles. She wanted lots of cuddles. Max got jealous and hasn''t left my side since. Please excuse me crazy look and crazy hair. I still have food poisoning and I've been trying to sleep it off.

A friend gave one of these baby food pouches to Max and now Max is a pouch addict. But much easier for me.

My chicks have finally hatched when will they get off the nest and need to eat?
I'm glad your feeling a little look cute
big_smile.png worries there
we're nuts with the birds aren't we????
Sara came in to lay an egg and get some cuddles. She wanted lots of cuddles. Max got jealous and hasn''t left my side since. Please excuse me crazy look and crazy hair. I still have food poisoning and I've been trying to sleep it off.

A friend gave one of these baby food pouches to Max and now Max is a pouch addict. But much easier for me.
Hi Deanna,
Really sorry you are ill.. The picture just looks like a happy chicken women to me............

I must admit I was so upset the day you thought Max was not feeling good...............that I did not come back on the thread for two days.................
What can I say......I'm hooked...........
candled my 4 questionable SPW eggs and tossed the two that are obviously clear. Brought in two that looked good last week to compare and was happy to see how they are developing the other two questionable are less developed but I couldn't say that nothing is happening in them. Could an egg that was on the outside under a broody maybe be delayed in development and maybe just hatch a day or two later?
I'm glad your feeling a little look cute
big_smile.png worries there
we're nuts with the birds aren't we????

Hi Deanna,
Really sorry you are ill.. The picture just looks like a happy chicken women to me............

I must admit I was so upset the day you thought Max was not feeling good...............that I did not come back on the thread for two days.................
What can I say......I'm hooked...........

oh I know stomach dropped and I was up in the night for updates! we all just love her!!
I was so scared to see Max laying there that day. Yesterday Max wander off, as Max does, but usually she comes running as soon as I call her. I was tearing apart my house for about 45 minutes before she comes out of the laundry room streching and yawning. This morning she was sleeping under the rocking chair and ignoring me. Sara came in for lots of cuddles \\\\\\pl88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888886666666666666666666666668888888888888888888888888888888 few inches away. We took a nap and I woke up with Max standing on my chest talking and staring down at me, wanting a cuddle. I have to admit when I was in the kitchen and Sara came in and jumped up on the sink, I was thinking maybe this is a little too far. But that was when I picked her up to put her back on the nest when she snuggled under my neck. Then I decided I didn't care if I was the crazy chicken lady if my chickens (and turkey) love me this much.
candled my 4 questionable SPW eggs and tossed the two that are obviously clear.  Brought in two that looked good last week to compare and was happy to see how they are developing the other two questionable are less developed but I couldn't say that nothing is happening in them.  Could an egg that was on the outside under a broody maybe be delayed in development and maybe just hatch a day or two later?

Yep! :) I've read that in several threads, don't lose hope!
I was so scared to see Max laying there that day. Yesterday Max wander off, as Max does, but usually she comes running as soon as I call her. I was tearing apart my house for about 45 minutes before she comes out of the laundry room streching and yawning. This morning she was sleeping under the rocking chair and ignoring me. Sara came in for lots of cuddles \\\\\\pl88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888886666666666666666666666668888888888888888888888888888888 few inches away. We took a nap and I woke up with Max standing on my chest talking and staring down at me, wanting a cuddle. I have to admit when I was in the kitchen and Sara came in and jumped up on the sink, I was thinking maybe this is a little too far. But that was when I picked her up to put her back on the nest when she snuggled under my neck. Then I decided I didn't care if I was the crazy chicken lady if my chickens (and turkey) love me this much.
Yeah, that middle part was a keyboard visit from Max, of course.

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