November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Oh dear, I have a Marans mix that was due today and had no internal pip but I still saw movement. The shadow didn't look right, even though it was hard to see through darker egg. I was afraid she was malpositioned. I decide to gamble and make a pip hole in the very top to check her out. Malpositioned :( But still alive. There was no beak visible through the membrane at all. I could see her shoulder so I knew where her wing was and where her beak should be. She still had lots of veining, but I was afraid she'd run out of air soon... I gambled again and made an incision between veins and managed not to cut any, then I took my long skinny tweezers and carefully fished around under her wing under the membrane where I thought her beak should be. I had my 265 lumen candling light in my teeth to see inside. I found it and was able to maneuver her to get her beak up to the tiny hole I'd made in the membrane. She began breathing but it looks really wet in there. Even though the rest of the eggs look fine, hers hadn't lost as much water weight and had a very small air cell. Guessing her shell was thicker and breathed less... I am hoping she won't still suffocate in spite of my best efforts. Keeping my fingers crossed for this little one. :fl Nothing to do now but wait.... and watch. LOTS of watching....:barnie
Oh dear, I have a Marans mix that was due today and had no internal pip but I still saw movement. The shadow didn't look right, even though it was hard to see through darker egg. I was afraid she was malpositioned. I decide to gamble and make a pip hole in the very top to check her out. Malpositioned :( But still alive. There was no beak visible through the membrane at all. I could see her shoulder so I knew where her wing was and where her beak should be. She still had lots of veining, but I was afraid she'd run out of air soon... I gambled again and made an incision between veins and managed not to cut any, then I took my long skinny tweezers and carefully fished around under her wing under the membrane where I thought her beak should be. I had my 265 lumen candling light in my teeth to see inside. I found it and was able to maneuver her to get her beak up to the tiny hole I'd made in the membrane. She began breathing but it looks really wet in there. Even though the rest of the eggs look fine, hers hadn't lost as much water weight and had a very small air cell. Guessing her shell was thicker and breathed less... I am hoping she won't still suffocate in spite of my best efforts. Keeping my fingers crossed for this little one. :fl Nothing to do now but wait.... and watch. LOTS of watching....:barnie

Oh man! Keep us updated!
I don't want to jinx myself but this is my first set and since I wasnt sure about how to run my bator (since it was the first time) I went with TJ eggs. I removed 4 that didnt look they were doing anything (and they weren't) one was questionable and I left it, 7 left to grow and hopefully hatch. My biggest worry is that only one will hatch and be left alone so say a prayer that I at least get 2. Delivery date is around the 28th.

I never knew that looking into a styrofoam box would be so intriguing. I watch the temp and humidity closely and talk to the chicks in their eggs hoping that it will give them the energy they need to keep going and hatch. It's been 8 days and I feel like it has been FOREVER!

So my blue Breda hatch is over, time to clean the bator and load it back up.
Out of 10 eggs, 9 made it to lockdown. 1 I tried to help out too early and it died. 2 I didn't help out because of the first one and they were dead stuck in their shell.
6 made it and are doing great, setting up the brooder now.
I'll take a pic when I get a chance :)

Now starting the last hatch for this year-- 4 blue Isbar, 4 Marraduna Basques, 4 Swedish Flower Hens, 12 Super Blue layers & 8 Blue Salmon Favorelles.

Hoping for lots of girls!!!
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Woke up to 5 out of 6 silkied ameraucanas pipped, but still no little fuzzy butts! Waiting impatiently! The other bator has the mottled ameraucanas and wheaten marans, but no pips yet. It's like Christmas morning because I'm dieing to see what colors everybody is then if the are silkied or not!! :barnie The silkied could be BBS or chocolate/mauve. I have a feeling this is going to be a long day
HH!! Number 6 just pipped!!! This my first time with shipped eggs and out of 7 eggs 6 made it to lockdown and pipped so far! The 7th one was tossed after 24hours because it was weeping.. I'm pretty impressed with the rate they are going. Hope they all hatch ok. The other breeder I got eggs from only 1/3 of the eggs made it to lockdown...time will tell
I don't know if this is the right place or not!

I've borrowed a hovabator 1602 from a church friend and a coworker is bringing me a clutch of New Hampshire red eggs tonight. It'll be my first experience with chickens but I've gathered everything up to make a makeshift brooder in my shop after they hatch and my sister in law has donated an old swing set to convert into a coop!!

Should have the eggs in tonight.

I have a ton of questions but first off, if I mark them, can I keep adding eggs to the incubator as he brings then to me?
I don't know if this is the right place or not!

I've borrowed a hovabator 1602 from a church friend and a coworker is bringing me a clutch of New Hampshire red eggs tonight. It'll be my first experience with chickens but I've gathered everything up to make a makeshift brooder in my shop after they hatch and my sister in law has donated an old swing set to convert into a coop!!

Should have the eggs in tonight.

I have a ton of questions but first off, if I mark them, can I keep adding eggs to the incubator as he brings then to me?

I wouldn't keep adding eggs into the incubator once you have a set going. Where it gets tricky is the last 3 days of incubation and the humidity requirements for the eggs will be different. People do it, but I wouldn't chance it. What you can do is collect eggs for a week and then set them all at the same time. Good luck

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