November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

It's lockdown for 7 marans eggs....I have no idea if they will hatch because I am new to this and didn't know how to look inside the very dark eggs....when I candle them i see that the eggs have very dark spots mostly fully encompassing the egg so I am hopeful to atleast get a few chicks even though my LG sucks when It comes to steady temps. It went up to 108 for a few seconds so that's why I'm iffy on these babies making it.
Don't worry about the 108. I have heard of chicks hatching after having been that high and higher for much longer than a few seconds. They may surprise you. Last summer we had days and days of over 100 while my broody was setting. I tried to keep her cool with ice but was worried that the chicks would cook. I had 4 EEs under her and they all hatched and were vigorous little guys. I hope you have a great hatch eggs will often surprise you with their forgiveness.!
It's lockdown for 7 marans eggs....I have no idea if they will hatch because I am new to this and didn't know how to look inside the very dark eggs....when I candle them i see that the eggs have very dark spots mostly fully encompassing the egg so I am hopeful to atleast get a few chicks even though my LG sucks when It comes to steady temps. It went up to 108 for a few seconds so that's why I'm iffy on these babies making it.

I'm sure you will be fine...............I had a 110 spike and did ok.
It takes a long time for the inside of the egg to heat up.................
I have LG also.............What works for me is when the temp is set.I do not move the knob at all.
If I need to raise the temp a bit...............I wrap a towel around the incubator........
Good Luck...................
Don't worry about the 108. I have heard of chicks hatching after having been that high and higher for much longer than a few seconds. They may surprise you. Last summer we had days and days of over 100 while my broody was setting. I tried to keep her cool with ice but was worried that the chicks would cook. I had 4 EEs under her and they all hatched and were vigorous little guys. I hope you have a great hatch eggs will often surprise you with their forgiveness.!
thanks I am hoping but I see no movement. Still hoping though and going through the process.
I just threw 12 Ameraucana eggs and 1 phoenix egg into my homemade water heater thermostat incubator. The Ameraucanas came in the mail yesterday; I let them rest for a couple hours then placed them upright in a carton in the incubator. The phoenix egg is my control egg as it was fresh laid and it should be fertile as that hen is very promiscuous...

Wish me luck, it will be a stressful 3 weeks. I hope to just use a broody hen next spring if I have the opportunity.
I'm sure you will be fine...............I had a 110 spike and did ok.
It takes a long time for the inside of the egg to heat up.................
I have LG also.............What works for me is when the temp is set.I do not move the knob at all.
If I need to raise the temp a bit...............I wrap a towel around the incubator........
Good Luck...................
oh that's a good idea!
Day 15,

The days are long and the nights are hard. UGH.
But this wait will be over any day now! 21st is lockdown... <3

And all 6 are still alive and well.

Our hatches are due the same day! I am candling tonight then leaving the rest to my broody girl. Hoping for movement in all 10 that are under her. Best of luck to you and congratulations on your 6/6 so far

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