November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Quote: Max
Good morning every one...............
My hatch is finished......
I had set the English Orps to check fertility and chick quality from my new roo...........
100 % hatch..less 1 unfertile egg.....
Seramas........5 out of 6 eggs.also checking out a new pairing............
4 Silkies out of 10 eggs......
1 unfertile.................I am certain it would have been a 100% or close hatch
had I not had a 4 1/2 hr. power outage. These eggs are so tiny and I think it was just to much for them.
All had good development.
Tried to get pictures and the dang batteries were dead in the camera.........
Getting new batteries this morning.....
sooooooooo 5 Serama, 4 Silkies and 4 English Orps.
Happy women here................
Thank you

Since today is day 21 for my quail eggs I went ahead and pipped the ones that haven't already and started chipping away at the ones that have. 2 confirmed alive (1 hatched a few minutes ago), 2 piped a vein and died and 3 died after day 14 but before day 18. Waiting on the last one but so far started with 30 shipped eggs and have 7 healthy babies possibly 8
I'm just happy even 1 hatched!

Way to go lil' guise! All this hatching makes me soooooo happy!!!!

My. Lockdown. Is. Tomorrow.
I am so nervous but excited for this last week!
Good morning every one...............
My hatch is finished......
I had set the English Orps to check fertility and chick quality from my new roo...........
100 % hatch..less 1 unfertile egg.....
Seramas........5 out of 6 eggs.also checking out a new pairing............
4 Silkies out of 10 eggs......
1 unfertile.................I am certain it would have been a 100% or close hatch
had I not had a 4 1/2 hr. power outage. These eggs are so tiny and I think it was just to much for them.
All had good development.
Tried to get pictures and the dang batteries were dead in the camera.........
Getting new batteries this morning.....
sooooooooo 5 Serama, 4 Silkies and 4 English Orps.
Happy women here................
My silkie was sitting on 2 of my eggs i took from my flock that I was hoping were pure bred wyandotte eggs one hatched the other is pipped looks like a pure bred chick to. Yippie!
she is in the air cell! how long should it be before she hatches? she is rolling a lot and hit the egg on the thermometer and cracked the egg by the air cell she is very load! and she is rolling all over! so I put her on her side in an egg carton. is that ok or should I just leave her alone? every time she pushes the crack loses a piece of shell. help please!

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