November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

One of my Dominiques internally pipped.
UPDATE ON EGGS: Candled all of our eggs tonight, 21 of 24 are definitely veining and growing! "Thor" and "Pretzel" are double yokers and I guesstimate that Thor is the most likely pair to survive as their egg shell is huge and both are the same size inside with great veining. As for Pretzel, its regular size egg and one of the yokes is significantly smaller than the other. Im guessing 1, if any, will survive that one, but we shall see. Sponge, Fart and Farkle I did not see veining but they are significantly darker than the rest so hard to say at this point. We are on day 5 now and as of 11:30am tomorrow (Monday) we will be onto day 6! November 6 is approaching quick and we are excited!!!
Help please!!!!
sounds like its trying to zip...hows it going?
[/quotel. Well I feel as if she's doing sOmthing wrong or if I did she has a pip hole but instead of zipping the hole is getting bigger because of all her moving around every time she moves ect she presses on it and chips mor shell away... Should I be worried it's to the point now that it's about thumb size and she's trying to get out but I can't tell if there's still tiny vains or not she's alsO cherping alot and sounds like she's in distress should I just leave her or let her go ?

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