November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I hear peeping! It's day 22 and one just starting making noise...How long until she will pip? and what does it mean to internally pip? How can you tell? Can't wait to see my marans babies!
Ah! Okay Almost 3 hours later since this one pipped, and s/he is zipping and will be out in just a moment. Man, they are fast.

My sweet husband has worked for 2 days building a covered porch for the bantie coop! isn't he sweet...I need to post a pictures of it...we painted the coops too! looking good!

AND out of 12 Maran eggs 11 are good and strong...10 more days for them

oh oh and I candled the wheaton eggs...only 1 has a detached air cell...maybe I will be lucky and get a chick or splash...I would so love that!
I love all of your coops. I gave up and ordered one. It's small.
Haha, mine was camra shy and ended up taking a break even though she is ready to POP.
She will probably sneak on out now that I am here and the camera is off.

Don't worry though! She will come on out! Just be patient. :) I am really surprised how fast they are coming out.
ah if you end up getting it on video Id love to see it.

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