November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Ok, I said you'd get sick of me... I wasn't going to candle again until Monday, but I was out and found a 200 lumen flashlight, so I had to get it...and then I had to try it out to see if it was better. I still can't see veining. Here's a couple pictures - they pretty much all look similar.


This last one, you can barely make out a small dark spot within the mass. This moves under the shell, it's not on it. But I didn't notice any voluntary movement.


It's totally a lack of veining that's got me worried. I'm ready to give up (but won't before Sunday). :hit

As a reminder, this is day 9.

Those look just like my duck eggs did this morning at day 9 also. I cracked one open and nothing inside! :hitnone of my 10 eggs made it!
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where did you get the eggs? the black one is a dark sex link...a roo...look them up
I've had chicks that look like both come from my dark sex link but Russian orloffs have the stripes and eye line too....hard to tell if you don't know the parents

The eggs came from my four hens and two roos. All bantams. I will try to get pictures of my flock. I have never looked up the breeds of them before

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