November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

there are some great articles if you do a search. unfortunately my brain doesn't retain details well anymore ( especially when I have a headache like today) but the articles cover the frizzle gene and how many are too many, things like that. I know of one person that has a "Frazzle" and the poor little things feathers break off so easily, she was worried it wouldn't be able to handle cold weather she's so bald....I had read that the genes that cause the damaged feathers can affect the health of the bird....but I don't know! the little chicken I referred to doesn't have any other issues but she's "ugly"
Thanks for the info! I will be sure to read up on it before I ever consider hatching any of their eggs, which will be a while anyway since they are new to me. Poor little chicken! I certainly don't want to create those! I actually know very little of the Frizzle and have never owned one but am certainly excited to be adding some to my flock!
Single little salmon Faverolles bantam chick hatched! I've done a staggered hatch, since these are eggs from my own Fav girls, and have a chick due almost everyday for the next..well, until my bator can't hold any more. Muahaha. Next one due in a few days (I do have other young chicks to keep this guy company when he hits the brooder).
He's a beautiful little thing, too. Fluffy muff, heavily feathered legs and toes just like his parents, FLUFFY!!
so adorable...
Single little salmon Faverolles bantam chick hatched! I've done a staggered hatch, since these are eggs from my own Fav girls, and have a chick due almost everyday for the next..well, until my bator can't hold any more. Muahaha. Next one due in a few days (I do have other young chicks to keep this guy company when he hits the brooder).
He's a beautiful little thing, too. Fluffy muff, heavily feathered legs and toes just like his parents, FLUFFY!!

Soooo cute and fluffy!!!!

Last hatch of the year and the most expensive one!!!
Sold all my kids clothes on ebay and used the paypal money to buy almost $160 in rarer breed hatching eggs I've wanted for awhile.
Eggs between Day 18 and Day 14. I just bought an additional incubator for lockdown/hatching.

My kids KNOW to stay away from the bator and not to touch it!
At some point my daughter turned the knob ALL the way up in the incubator my eggs were in. By the time I caught it, the temp was pushing 120 degrees! I tried to cool the eggs, but it was too late. ALL 36 eggs were dead. All almost fully developed too, looking good. This would have been my best hatch rate too. All I could do was sob! I had Blue Isbars, Blue Salmon Favorelles, Marraduna Basque, Swedish Flower Hens, Exchequer Leghorns, and Super Blue Layers. Even if I had the money to rebuy these eggs (which I don't!) a lot of them I can't even find again. My husband is leaving Sunday for Afghanistan and I planned this hatch around then to be something positive and happy to look forward to, now it's gone.

Biggest incubation fail for me yet!

Last hatch of the year and the most expensive one!!!
Sold all my kids clothes on ebay and used the paypal money to buy almost $160 in rarer breed hatching eggs I've wanted for awhile.
Eggs between Day 18 and Day 14.  I just bought an additional incubator for lockdown/hatching.

My kids KNOW to stay away from the bator and not to touch it!
At some point my daughter turned the knob ALL the way up in the incubator my eggs were in.  By the time I caught it, the temp was pushing 120 degrees!  I tried to cool the eggs, but it was too late.  ALL 36 eggs were dead.  All almost fully developed too, looking good.  This would have been my best hatch rate too.  All I could do was sob!  I had Blue Isbars, Blue Salmon Favorelles, Marraduna Basque, Swedish Flower Hens, Exchequer Leghorns, and Super Blue Layers.  Even if I had the money to rebuy these eggs (which I don't!) a lot of them I can't even find again.  My husband is leaving Sunday for Afghanistan and I planned this hatch around then to be something positive and happy to look forward to, now it's gone.

Biggest incubation fail for me yet!
OMG :( I am so sorry. How old is your daughter? That is horrible :hit I am crying for you. ((HUGS)) Is this your husbands first deployment/deployment to Afghanistan? I will keep him in my thoughts.
Thank you so much!
It's the 4th deployment to Afghanistan. He's done a couple shorter ones in South America.

She's not yet 3, so I'm trying so hard not to be mad AT her since she is so young, but she KNOWS not to touch it! She may not comprehend it will cause all my eggs to die, but she knows she's not allowed to just like she's not allowed to touch the washing machine, or the stove, or open the door, or play in the front yard...

It's been sitting in the same spot pretty much running nonstop since May, I don't know what possessed her to go do this now and right at lock down!
Thank you so much!
It's the 4th deployment to Afghanistan.  He's done a couple shorter ones in South America.

She's not yet 3, so I'm trying so hard not to be mad AT her since she is so young, but she KNOWS not to touch it!  She may not comprehend it will cause all my eggs to die, but she knows she's not allowed to just like she's not allowed to touch the washing machine, or the stove, or open the door, or play in the front yard...

It's been sitting in the same spot pretty much running nonstop since May, I don't know what possessed her to go do this now and right at lock down!

:hit :hugs :hugs I'm so sorry! That's such a shame. :(
And I'll pray for your DH and family. My Dad served a couple (looong) tours in Iraq a few years back in the Guard and now my DH is joining the AF. :he I know how stressful it is.

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