November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Here are some of my babies that hatched over the last 2 months. Seramas and Sillkies.

Random Question:

Anyone hatch quail before? I don't know what I would even do with quail, we only have chickens and turkeys, but I've noticed the eggs on ebay are always like 5-6 dozen opposed to like 6-8 for chicken eggs. Is it that their hatch rate is so low? Or do they just lay an abundance of eggs? Anyone keep quail? I know this sounds dense, but what is the point of keeping them? For ornamental purposes like a peacock? Doesn't seem like you would get much for the meat or eggs. And 5 dozen eggs is going pretty cheap on there!
So my incubators final test run failed. It maintained at 100 for a while, then spiked to 104 and sat there for the rest of the night. I guess I need to adjust more
Hatch day!!! I have a chick!!! :jumpy And at least one strong pip!!!! I was so nervous that I wouldn't get any... My last incubation try was a disaster. Praying for a strong hatch.
Still just the one chick, but at least I have one!! At day 24 for 2 more since the eggs today and not looking good at all for them. Saturday is hatch day for 4 more eggs, none of which I'm holding much hope for either. Reflecting on this hatch, I'm thinking I may have had a temp spike somewhere along the way. When I did the eggtopsy on some ( don't read on if you are easily grossed out...LOL) they were full of a slime like substance. I mean, it clearly was not just a yoke, but I couldn't really see a baby either if that makes sense? They didn't stink they weren't "rotten." Does this indicate something in particular that could have gone wrong during the hatch? I also noticed that the power went out at some point last night and when I got up the eggs had cooled somewhat, but not badly. By then it was back on and the incubator was showing a temp of 104! Don't know why it spiked after it went off? Luckily since the eggs had cooled, they did not seem to overheat and I was able to get the temp back to normal rather quickly. But that could have meant the end of the rest of my hatch entirely had I not caught it when I did!

We had some pretty nasty storms here last night and I was outside repairing the roof of one of my chicken houses with my hubby at 5:30 this morning. Not a fun way to start the day BUT I sure can't have my chickies being rained on all day! My poor hens seemed pretty shaken by the ordeal this morning. Just not acting like their happy selves, with the exception of my sweet Onyx who, like usual was immediately at my feet and following me like a puppy!

Today is the day I get my speckled Sussex hen and my Frizzles!! I'm SO excited to meet them!!
If anyone can get me some advice about a way to upload pics from an Ipad I would LOVE to share some pics of my new chick as well as my new babies I pick up today! Thanks!

And congratulations to all the new hatches over the last couple days!! Some CUTE chicks!!!!
one little Maran is half out! it's so cute

my little girl with the cold is doing fine....I haven't checked how congested she is yet this morning...she's still sleeping but I caught it right away she'll most likely be fine...I have a busy morning but we'll have lot's of snuggles later
Snuggles is the best medicine. It's what I take when I'm sick.

Random Question:

Anyone hatch quail before? I don't know what I would even do with quail, we only have chickens and turkeys, but I've noticed the eggs on ebay are always like 5-6 dozen opposed to like 6-8 for chicken eggs. Is it that their hatch rate is so low? Or do they just lay an abundance of eggs? Anyone keep quail? I know this sounds dense, but what is the point of keeping them? For ornamental purposes like a peacock? Doesn't seem like you would get much for the meat or eggs. And 5 dozen eggs is going pretty cheap on there!
I wondered the same thing. They are so tiny but I heard people eat them.

So my incubators final test run failed. It maintained at 100 for a while, then spiked to 104 and sat there for the rest of the night. I guess I need to adjust more
It takes awhile to find the perfect spot on the incubator adjustment.

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