November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I can really only travel to the Bend area here in Oregon, as that is where our family friends have to go for shopping at least once a week for their restaurant. Work hours and gas prices prevent us from leaving town most of the time. Perhaps I can get to some other places within about 3 hours of here (possible county van transportation).

It's still possible one of the other two eggs will hatch. I'm sure he could survive 2 - 3 weeks on his own though. I have 15 other eggs in the incubator.
First voice he heard right after pipping, and first face he saw after hatching. Since I usually work nights, I'll sit in my bedroom holding him during the day and watch a movie with him so he isn't constantly alone.
you nut!! have fun it is so amazing
I too had 19 due today all but 2 are hatched last 2 pipped
Haha I am having a great time- this is one of the coolest most exciting things in the world. Hubby called me and told me to step away from the incubator but it's hard to do. I turned to look at the tv and missed one pop out of his egg. I have 8 out so far and 6 pips that I can see. I do have one pipped on the wrong end and he appears to be stuck but I'm going to leave him for a while before I attempt to help.
YAY for you being almost done. Enjoy those little fuzz butts.

Hatch is complete! Eight baby black copper marans, all with fuzzy legs. :) one sadly didn't make it but very happy for my first time!

Hatch is complete! Eight baby black copper marans, all with fuzzy legs.
one sadly didn't make it but very happy for my first time!

just waiting on 1 more...but she's pipped

Yeah!!! Congratulations ladies! 5 hatched here so far :)

Anira, how many extra are you looking for? Roos ok?
I may have extra Wellies, never know, hatch in progress! ;)

in Banks, OR
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Anira, how many extra are you looking for? Roos ok?
I may have extra Wellies, never know, hatch in progress! ;)

in Banks, OR
Unfortunately, the county van very rarely goes over that direction. I don't think I would be able to get over there.

I really only need one or two to keep this guy company until I hatch more. I'm not sure about roos; I believe the woman I talked to about taking some of the babies I hatched said roos would be okay, but that was over a month ago that I talked to her so I don't remember for sure.

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