November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Max was an only child. Even if you get other chicks, he'll still probably cry foryou because it has imprinted on you. You are the mom. This is how i ended up doing everything. In the second picture, he is under the strap. He doesn't fit there anymore but he still follows me everywhere.

I tried to get him to sleep here.

But I kept finding him here...And here...

SO I gave in and

And now he is huge still following me everywhere. I love my Maxi.

Aw! I love Max, he is so cute!!!
OK, I am on day 22 now with no chirping, no movement. I'm beginning to wonder if they are alive?? I last candled on day 14 and saw the dark spot what looked like a beak and the air sac in 8 of my 20 eggs I set, so I believe I have chicks in there. I took out the other 12 eggs cracked them open and the yolk was broken in 9, they were shipped eggs and I had 3 that were quitters. Humidity has been at 40-50% since day 1 and 60-70% at day 18 until now. However it did drop to 55% last night for a few hrs and I added water this morning. Temps steady, I have 3 thermometers that read between 98-101 since day one in Farm Innovators forced air incubator. Any suggestions other than just wait? I assume if I have nothing by day 24-25 then they died, discard them and try again???
Question... It's day 21 or 22 depending on who I ask. I have only signs of life from one egg. It was rocking a little, then last night around 8pm I noticed it was chirping and tapping. I figured something would happen overnight, but nothing did. I listened again this morning and it's still chirping and tapping. So my question is how long can it do that safely without pipping externally? It's going on 12 hours that I've been aware of it- who knows how long before that.
OK, I am on day 22 now with no chirping, no movement. I'm beginning to wonder if they are alive?? I last candled on day 14 and saw the dark spot what looked like a beak and the air sac in 8 of my 20 eggs I set, so I believe I have chicks in there. I took out the other 12 eggs cracked them open and the yolk was broken in 9, they were shipped eggs and I had 3 that were quitters. Humidity has been at 40-50% since day 1 and 60-70% at day 18 until now. However it did drop to 55% last night for a few hrs and I added water this morning. Temps steady, I have 3 thermometers that read between 98-101 since day one in Farm Innovators forced air incubator. Any suggestions other than just wait? I assume if I have nothing by day 24-25 then they died, discard them and try again???

The thread has been kinda quiet this morning. I hope someone gets on here and answers our questions! Hope you have some hatch.

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