November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

a wellsummer is out! and another maran is zipping very quickly! I'm relieved they don't appear to be so dry.

the first maran has deformed feet/toes.. should I do something about it? Will they self-correct over time? his outermost toe is curling underneath the foot, he is walking on it. should I try to make a bootie to flatten it out? what would I even make it out of?!
I don't have any experience to know if you "should" do something about it. It might take as little as a small (1/2" X 1/2"?) piece of light cardboard (like a cereal box?) and scotch tape for 12 hrs. or so??
Aha! Here's that toe guide, I knew I saw it somewhere:
I am going to wait until the current hatching chick is out before messing with it..
here is a pic of the foot. see there is no toe on the outside? it is folded under and he is standing on it:

the welsummer has a.. well , more open of a navel than I have seen before. the others had a belly that was formed with 1 small obvious navel. this chicks belly looks like it's still squeezing together. there is open flesh exposed, not bleeding profuseley or anything, but I put a little corn starch on it. Mostly I'm worried watching her scrape it on the metal incubator flooring :(

have never seen a navel like this, should I be worried about her?
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a wellsummer is out! and another maran is zipping very quickly! I'm relieved they don't appear to be so dry.

the first maran has deformed feet/toes.. should I do something about it? Will they self-correct over time? his outermost toe is curling underneath the foot, he is walking on it. should I try to make a bootie to flatten it out? what would I even make it out of?!

Congrats! Our BCM that hatched yesterday had the same issue with her (I'm just calling iy a her!) toes, but I just let her be to see what happened. Now she's up and walking around well and they seem to be fine.
a wellsummer is out! and another maran is zipping very quickly! I'm relieved they don't appear to be so dry.

the first maran has deformed feet/toes.. should I do something about it? Will they self-correct over time? his outermost toe is curling underneath the foot, he is walking on it. should I try to make a bootie to flatten it out? what would I even make it out of?!
make a boot out of a band aid...change it every day because they grow really fast
Aha! Here's that toe guide, I knew I saw it somewhere:
I am going to wait until the current hatching chick is out before messing with it..
here is a pic of the foot. see there is no toe on the outside? it is folded under and he is standing on it:

the welsummer has a.. well , more open of a navel than I have seen before. the others had a belly that was formed with 1 small obvious navel. this chicks belly looks like it's still squeezing together. there is open flesh exposed, not bleeding profuseley or anything, but I put a little corn starch on it. Mostly I'm worried watching her scrape it on the metal incubator flooring :(

have never seen a navel like this, should I be worried about her?
you can put some antibiotic ointment on it, as long as it doesn't have PAIN RELIEVER in it
Next questions...My other pipped egg had not started zipping for 24 hours. And I didn't see the beak moving near the pip hole, so I gently pulled the shell away just there to look in. It started peeping up a storm, which is a good sign, but I couldn't see the beak, until I got a flashlight to shine in there. But the beak seems to be pointing the wrong direction. Is it possible that being kicked around by the other chick could have turned it the wrong way? Right now its back is against the hole. At what point should I think about helping? It is still moving around.
I think if it is able to completely rotate inside there, he isn't dried out, so you should let him have some more time.. he could still poke another hole and start zipping from the other side perhaps? hopefully someone with more experience can help you :)

with the one I helped, he started out being very vocal like you described. But 14 hours later, he was hardly peeping and not very loud. You know that loud peep that sounds really annoyed, so annoyed they could just peck that shell right off! well he had gotten much more subdued. that was when I helped.. just keep watching it very closely :)

Quote: you can put some antibiotic ointment on it, as long as it doesn't have PAIN RELIEVER in it
oooh did not think of that, ty! I will see how it looks later when I go to do the marans foot. a 2nd maran has hatched, this one was sufficiently wet inside and was out just 45 minutes after initial zip started. the pip was 6 hours prior. I am interested to see if this marans toes are okay or curled (genetic? or humidity problem?)
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Help advice needed, on day 23 none have hatched I heard chirping last night but its now been at least 14 hrs since I've heard chirping. How long do I wait before I crack these open to see what happened? At what day do you say they are dead and not going to hatch? Day 24, 25?
Help advice needed, on day 23 none have hatched I heard chirping last night but its now been at least 14 hrs since I've heard chirping. How long do I wait before I crack these open to see what happened? At what day do you say they are dead and not going to hatch? Day 24, 25?

what does your instinct tell you?
your 'gut' about helping them?
Have they pipped or just hear chirping? Is humidity at proper level?
Help advice needed, on day 23 none have hatched I heard chirping last night but its now been at least 14 hrs since I've heard chirping. How long do I wait before I crack these open to see what happened? At what day do you say they are dead and not going to hatch? Day 24, 25?

If it was me I would have opened at least one by now. Especially since they seem to be really late - just to try to figure out what was going on. Since they seem to be chirping late they could just be late in hatching so in your case I may give them another two days. If you do decide to open one I would base my "toss them" date on the finding. Fingers crossed that they are okay just late.

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