November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I'm sitting on pins and needles. At 8 I roll into day 22 of my hatch and there is nothing. No movement. No pipping. I'm afraid my thermometer broke after day 18 and I cooked the babies. On day 18 they looked great. Good development, and plenty of movement from 6 of the 7 that made it to lockdown.

I had 1 hatch on day 22 but the rest are just now getting going today, it's day 24. 2 have pipped, 1 more hatched
, and more are occasionally rocking so I think they are just now getting going. The power company turned off the neighborhood power for 2-3 hours at a time, multiple times per day, over a weekend. Without telling anyone they were going to do it. So I had some cool offs, but it doesn't seem to have effected them other than a delayed hatch. There was lots of movement when we went into lockdown so I'm hoping for a good hatch rate. Was getting nervous but the sudden activity has my faith renewed

He likes to sit and look out the window. He still goes with me everywhere. He has only been away from me once and he had a sitter. I took him to Tractor Supply yesterday. I could have been in and out but several people stopped to talk about him, take his picture, pet him. It took 1 1/2 hours. I don't mind. And he likes getting petted. Just when I think he's getting too big for cuddles, he snuggles up. Love my Max.
The latest hatch

The first one to hatch, I did a quick grab and took it out, he/she is 48 hours old and it's going to be awhile before the rest of them hatch. Getting better about mobility but still can't really walk right, a step or two at most then falls on it's side. I put a number of things in the box for traction and also to lean against and it seems to be helping.

One of the Rhodebars pipped and is starting to zip

Not sure if this one is zipping normally, the shell is coming off in chunks but the membrane isn't. But the chick has successfully torn the membrane with each shell chunk so it seems to be working. I think the big chunk missing was some "help" from the dark brown chick, it kept running into the egg and I saw some cracks in that area.
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Um...*meekly raises hand*...I just finished my first hatch ever and now I have Isbar and Rhodebar eggs on the way. Not yet an addict because right now the incubator is turned off and cold. Right? I've never done shipped eggs but I'm about to. A little worried because of the holiday this week. If they ship tomorrow from Texas they "could" get here Wednesday.
Not sure if this one is zipping normally, the shell is coming off in chunks but the membrane isn't. But the chick has successfully torn the membrane with each shell chunk so it seems to be working. I think the big chunk missing was some "help" from the dark brown chick, it kept running into the egg and I saw some cracks in that area.

Well, normal or not he/she hatched just fine and is now drying out in the incubator. So far 5 have hatched, 4 from my layer flock and 1 Rhodebar. Unfortunately one of the layer flock chicks didn't make it, it piped but appears to be dead. I'm guessing it pipped in the wrong spot and drowned :-(

1 (the first) of my duck eggs has also pipped, hopefully I wake up to a bunch of chicks and ducklings getting to know each other.

Question about the humidity. I noticed that it really spikes after each hatch, I'm guessing any fluids that are in the egg are adding to the humidity, but it spikes to the point of the windows fogging over. Is this a concern? It does come back down after awhile.
if you don't have vetrx use vix....make sure there is air flow in the brooder....a splash of apple cider vinegar in their water

I do have vetRx, just wondering how many symptoms I should see before I use it..?

They always have 1 regular water, 1 electrolyte/probiotic water. I changed that one out for acv water today, thanks :) also gave them some garlic in with their greens today
the ventilation is good... not necessarily air flowing into the brooder, but into the room, with windbreaks around the brooder, open top (its indoors)

He likes to sit and look out the window. He still goes with me everywhere. He has only been away from me once and he had a sitter. I took him to Tractor Supply yesterday. I could have been in and out but several people stopped to talk about him, take his picture, pet him. It took 1 1/2 hours. I don't mind. And he likes getting petted. Just when I think he's getting too big for cuddles, he snuggles up. Love my Max.
I love hearing about max and he is so cuuute!

Um...*meekly raises hand*...I just finished my first hatch ever and now I have Isbar and Rhodebar eggs on the way. Not yet an addict because right now the incubator is turned off and cold. Right? I've never done shipped eggs but I'm about to. A little worried because of the holiday this week. If they ship tomorrow from Texas they "could" get here Wednesday.
haha no way! My eggs should be here Wednesday too I think. plus the 24 hour rest period. I have blue wheaten americanas and more blue laced red wyandottes on the way!!!

my lavender orpington lady sold my eggs to someone else. why!
maybe hers will still be laying in 3 weeks... Teehee. yeah I have an addiction.
I slept in until 7, then Max decided it was time for me to get up. He was standing on me, staring me down. Since that wasn't working, I may have peeked, he grabbed my my shirt, pulled on it and ran away. I guess he thought I wouldn't know it was him. I'm usually up earlier but since I've been locking my chickens in the coop, the roosters aren't so loud.

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