November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

My assistant at work today.

Having a snack during break time next to the heat vent, one of his favorite spots at work. Stays warm and can look out of the window.

Back home, dancing along with the Voice.
Will I be having turkey on the table Thurday? Of course because he is too short to sit on a chair. But the meal will probably be ham, enchiladas or Chinese. Haven't decided yet. I think Max is voting for Chinese.

I have been thinking about getting Max a girlfriend in the spring. I saw a Blue Slate hen. She is beautiful. She was injured by a dog and has a bad wing. But Max and I don't mind. If the have babies, I have read they will be black. I will be sad when he has to go outside but I will always let him in the doggie door. Soon, I will have his diaper. I ordered one from Crazy K Farms but they sent the wrong style. The people have been very nice and are sending another. I will be so happy when I no longer have to run around after Max with a roll of toilet paper.
Oh Max, Max, Max, Max, Max....

I fed Max earier but I knew he would still try to eat my dinner. I had a plate of prosciutto (thin ham), salami, cheese and bread. Max decided he wanted half of the prosciutto all in one bite. He grabbed it, ran and tried to swallow all at once. It wrapped around his beak and he swallowed both ends. He could barely breathe. I had to hold him down and pull as much out as I could. He was fighting me thinking I wanted to eat what he had taken. He is ok now. Maybe a little mad that I took his snack.
Oh Max, Max, Max, Max, Max....

I fed Max earier but I knew he would still try to eat my dinner. I had a plate of prosciutto (thin ham), salami, cheese and bread. Max decided he wanted half of the prosciutto all in one bite. He grabbed it, ran and tried to swallow all at once. It wrapped around his beak and he swallowed both ends. He could barely breathe. I had to hold him down and pull as much out as I could. He was fighting me thinking I wanted to eat what he had taken. He is ok now. Maybe a little mad that I took his snack.

LOL Love the Max stories
Some of my new chicks. Of the 10 from my layer flock I set 6 hatched and 1 pipped but not in the air sack, he/she drowned before I knew what was going on. I'll call that 70% though that made it to hatch. The other 3 quit shortly before hatch, probably because of some temperature issues (power going on and off due to electric company working on the grid).

And my little lone Rhodebar rooster
1 of the chicks, the first to hatch, is having problems walking. It's like it's sense of balance is screwed up. It's getting better, VERY slowly, but at best it can now stand for short periods of time and take a step or two. The whole time it wobbles though and then falls over on it's side. It's 5 days old now, was born 48 hours before any of the other chicks. Has been growing, and will eat, but has little interest in water. I don't leave water in it's box in the brooder for fear it will fall in and drown, but give it a chance to drink 5 or 6 times a day. Normally it doesn't drink, if I dip it's beak in it will swallow whatever it gets but won't attempt to drink more. It does feel like it's getting thinner.

Any ideas what this might be and if it will pull through, or would it be better of being culled now?
Quote: I guess we'll see...I don't think the comb looks that rooish , what's the breed? some breeds are much harder to tell...barred rocks and sex links get wattles early even the girls...I can't see well in the picture is the comb red or pinkish? but whatever we have there it sure is pretty!!

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