November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

what breed?

Mixed. The chick is solid yellow. Possible fathers are a mutt Rooster who is probably 1/2 BLRW. He was sold to me as a BLRW chick but I'm thinking someone jumped the fence, he looks like a New Hampshire as an adult. As a chick he looked like that blue/red one in the photo with the chipmunk chick and he did have lacing that faded with age. The other possible father is a Jubilee/Buff Orpington Roo. Possible mothers are a Production Red or a Jubilee/Buff hen. I also have a Black Jersey Giant but based on the genetics calculator I don't think I can get a yellow chick from her.
Quote: the only thing that comes to mind is nutrition of the breeding pair...give it doses of vitamins...there is sav a chick, liquid drench, or even poly vi sol baby vitamins...good luck
I guess we'll see...I don't think the comb looks that rooish , what's the breed? some breeds are much harder to tell...barred rocks and sex links get wattles early even the girls...I can't see well in the picture is the comb red or pinkish? but whatever we have there it sure is pretty!!

Well I'm anxious to find out because my husband agrees with you, he thinks hen and I say roo! LOL You know I have to win that argument!
But his daddy was a pure RIR rooster and mama was a pure Barred Rock hen. His comb is kinda pinkish, but his wattle is bright red. I didn't know that about barred rocks and sex links both getting wattles early. hmmmm.....that may sway me a little. LOL BUT have you read that when you bread that combination the first generation only the roos will have barring? I read that somewhere then someone else mentioned it on this thread. He is def barred!
the only thing that comes to mind is nutrition of the breeding pair...give it doses of vitamins...there is sav a chick, liquid drench, or even poly vi sol baby vitamins...good luck

Thanks, I have some chick vitamins, didn't even think of giving them. He/she is doing better this morning, somehow managed to climb out of its shoebox in the brooder and was in the main section laying down. I put it near the water and it was able to stand and drink for quite awhile, this is the first time I've seen it show any interest in drinking on it's own. Something spooked it and it walked/ran to the middle of the brooder and stood there (wobbling) for a couple seconds before falling over, but that's the most I've seen it on it's feet without being propped up, and definitely the furthest it's walked without falling.
look up sex links in your search engine...make sure you put sex link chickens
or you won't be pleasantly surprised....and even at that make sure the children aren't around...but that's what you've created...I'm anxious to find out too!!
hahhaaa...believe it or not I actually thought of looking that up at work one day (I'm an elementary school teacher) on my break but I thought OH HEAVENS! I may have the principal, the superintendent, the police, AND the news crew here if I look that up! LOL Could be easily misinterpreted by those who don't know chickens!
So today is LOCKDOWN! Humidity and temp are good, lowest point in air cells marked. We are ready to go! So excited! So glad I my plans for the next several days include RARELY leaving the house! Doing dinner at our house this year, so won't even have to leave for that! 13 of 20 made it to lockdown. 2 leghorn/leghorn crosses, 2 Easter Eggers, 2 RIR and 7 mystery eggs! Can't wait to see what we get! Come on little chicks! You can do it!!!

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