November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

To be completely honest I have no clue what breed they are. They were listed as a barn yard mix. Their rooster is Marsns and the hens are blue splash marsns, light and dark bramas, barred rock, red star and buff orphingtons....
one pic of the chick that has hatched. I will post more/better pics when my iPad charges up. This is on my phone, so not the best pic...but it's a cutie! Showed you the belly so you could see the markings. Still no pips. Just now the middle of day 21, so I am sitting on my hands and pacing the floors!


these were March babies they are hard to take a pic of- I had 6 chicks that hatched in this pic the little one I am holding didn't end up eating so a couple days later didn't make it,

this is them older, I like this pic because the match the order of the eggs they hatched from below even their heads are aimed the direction the egg is. minus the one that died 2 days later, which was the blue egg in the lower center. the white chick is a splash maran.
LMAO!!! Ours won't dance but she already 'gurges (on me only, so I guess she plays for the other team?
) and has quite a vocabulary, but can be quite demanding...if she doesn't get what she wants she starts cursing..."Bu11sh1t!" is one of her favorites "beeeeeerrrrrrrr!" is another...she also demands a shower every morning and asks for coffee as well. But she does say "Helloooo" whenever someone walks in the front door which endears her to most visitors, and yells at the dogs which confuses the hell out of them so we laugh. We love our Na-Na for the most part.....occasionally want to strangle her, but generally we just stuff a grape in her mouth and that keeps her quiet for at least 5 minutes.
Baby gets down to classical music. Bobs her head, wiggles, her wings, shakes her feet. SHe has a bell she rings when she likes a song. She says 'I love you', 'give me kiss', 'you're so beautiful', 'good giiiirrrrrlll', she says goodbye whenever someone leaves the house and a lot more. She says 'Hellloooooo' when my phone rings. When I cook she says 'want some' over and over until she gets whatever I am cooking. The more she likes the smell the faster she repeats it. But my favorite is when she makes up her own songs and dances to them. African Greys are great.
Got another pip, which is good. My multi-strip blew within the last 4 hours, I have no idea when, so the eggs were cold (75 degrees in the incubator). Temp back up to normal and stabilized within half an hour.
I held the baby up to "cheer" for the eggs. 2 eggs started rockin like crazy! COME ON BABIES!!! Always good to get a good sign when you start getting anxious! Luckily due to last night's lack of sleep (for no hatched this morning...) I took a 4 hour nap today! LOL Therefore I will be able to hold out a little while tonight anyway. Maybe get to at least catch a pip. So far I have only witnessed the beginning of zipping with chick #1. Missed everything else!! C'mon chickies! YOU CAN DO IT!
I popped 9 fridge + 1 eggs in 3 days ago, they have the spider veins, I have a neighbor with a roo- she pulled the nine eggs to go with a splash maran egg I got, when I adopted from another farm. so that is "egg-sighting", besides my splash maran egg, 6 of hers were a larger red bantam mix of sorts and the other 3 look regular sized. EGGULAHS!
I popped 9 fridge + 1 eggs in 3 days ago, they have the spider veins, I have a neighbor with a roo- she pulled the nine eggs to go with a splash maran egg I got, when I adopted from another farm. so that is "egg-sighting", besides my splash maran egg, 6 of hers were a larger red bantam mix of sorts and the other 3 look regular sized. EGGULAHS!
we have 1200 chickens and we get at least 6000 eggs a day.

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