November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

OMG - Deanna I am in love with your turkey!!! Will post more pix of Booger running around. I tried the sock diaper thing but I think it was too big for him and he got out. Then proceeded to poop on Matt (ha ha!!!) will try again now he's grown some.
I also have this little chick stuffed toy I gave him for company and I think he's made friends with it.
I hope I'm joining you two with turkey's in the spring! I preordered my eggs

The sock now fits and he's in his happy place....and I am now protected from poo....

Heidisgran - what breed of turkey did you order? And when are you expecting them to arrive?

As an aside for all you lucky silkie hatchers - would you be interested in selling any of your chicks? I've been dying for a silkie (any color as long as it's a girl w/o a vaulted skull - I can't have boys and SQ vs. PQ doesn't matter). Booger could really use a friend to grow up with, particularly when I can't take him with me to work...Judges generally frown on bringing your pet turkey into the courtroom, and clients would probably think it's kinda weird, you know.... PLEASE PM me if you're interested. If it's a reasonable distance from NJ I'll come pick them up personally, if not, obviously I'll be happy to pay for overnight shipping.
he's so big! what a pleasure to watch him grow up!
are you hatching? if so what?
how are the babies that you bought? pics?
A friend of mine is trying hatching for the first time so I gave her a dozen of my eggs to hatch. They are from my Easter Eggers with a Easter Egger rooster and a Splash Marans Rooster. I tried but the roosters weren't old enough yet. Hopefully they are now. My GF chicks are great, boy can they eat. They are beautiful. The first picture is Barnevlders andBielfelders. The second is LBielffelders and a Sulmtaler. The MArans are running around my bed and some ran towards me. The last picture is a Black Copper Marans pullet (packing peanut). She is the most friendly. She jumps up on my bed and comes to me for cuddles anytime I am on my bed.

The sock now fits and he's in his happy place....and I am now protected from poo....

Heidisgran - what breed of turkey did you order? And when are you expecting them to arrive?

As an aside for all you lucky silkie hatchers - would you be interested in selling any of your chicks? I've been dying for a silkie (any color as long as it's a girl w/o a vaulted skull - I can't have boys and SQ vs. PQ doesn't matter). Booger could really use a friend to grow up with, particularly when I can't take him with me to work...Judges generally frown on bringing your pet turkey into the courtroom, and clients would probably think it's kinda weird, you know.... PLEASE PM me if you're interested. If it's a reasonable distance from NJ I'll come pick them up personally, if not, obviously I'll be happy to pay for overnight shipping.
Isn't it wonderful having them around? You could try taking him to work and see what happens... I am lucky to be retired. He will grow out of the sock in a few days. You will have to keep making new ones. I have ordered a diaper from Crazy K Farm. I got the Bikini style. They are expensive but they are custom making it for Max. You could continue to make the sock style out of larger socks or buy fabric. I just didn't want to mess with it but I might after he out grows the one I ordered.
I hope I'm joining you two with turkey's in the spring! I preordered my eggs
What kind of turkey? How many eggs? WHo did you order from? I am thinking about ordering 6 eggs to hatch but I really just want one or two girlfriends for Max. I have several people that want turkeys after meeting Max so I don't think I will have a problem giving away the extras.
If I could buy 2-3 silkies from someone, I'd hopefully end up with at least one pullet. I'd have no trouble rehoming the roos cuz I have a friend with a farm who'd take them.
HeIdisgran, thank you for the advice. I always try to come here to byc experienced Members and articles because I think that's is where I get the most valuable info. Still working my way thru the Brisnea site, but have started checking it out. Def want to solve my issues before next hatch. I agree, my methods have not worked well at all. I want to pinpoint where I went wrong. I appreciate all of your help and advice as well as the links to helpful info!
HeIdisgran, thank you for the advice. I always try to come here to byc experienced Members and articles because I think that's is where I get the most valuable info. Still working my way thru the Brisnea site, but have started checking it out. Def want to solve my issues before next hatch. I agree, my methods have not worked well at all. I want to pinpoint where I went wrong. I appreciate all of your help and advice as well as the links to helpful info!
we have 11 eggs...I should be able to ship tomorrow or Thurs!!

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