November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

So I found the greatest thing EVER. Now I know why things I read said go with the LAMP dimmer switch! You just plug your light into it and plug it into the wall and you have a dimmer. MUCH easier than wiring one! And it was only like $12 at the hardware store. Not too bad. Also picked up another thermometer. Came home to temps still falling, so changed over to 60 watt with the dimmer. Luckily my humidity was climbing when I got home and was past 20% which is an improvement! Eggs didn't arrive today. Hopefully tomorrow. I will be here waiting on the mail man!!
last night and today we are frozen solid....public transportation is halted....hope they are ahead of the storm!
last night and today we are frozen solid....public transportation is halted....hope they are ahead of the storm!

I hope so, too! The storm is just arriving here, still rain at this point but changing over tonight. We have flooding at this point, but luckily I am far enough from the water that I'm not affected much.But if we get the snow/sleet/freezing rain they are calling for I won't be leaving the house this weekend at all! Too bad for our little town's small town Christmas festival this weekend.
a lot of the little towns around had to cancel...some are rescheduling...I did get mail today...hopefully the eggs arrive tomorrow!!! let me know right away !!
how's your sick baby?? that you took to the doc

I will let you know for sure! My baby has strep throat.
Poor thing doesn't feel well at all between the fever and sore throat. She hasn't eaten all day. Hoping the medicine she started today has her feeling better by tomorrow. Thanks for asking.
I'm about to go have some fun and put Little Boogs in turkey heaven - we raise mealworms for the hens (down in the basement of course - can't have company seeing a file cabinet full of worms....eeewwww!!!!).

Anyway, he's decided that they are his favorite treat EVER....gonna take video on my camera....hopefully I'll be able to upload it....he normally has been getting a small bowl as his evening treat, and goes insane for them...seeing a thousand yum yums squirming under his feet may just make his lil head explode....stay tuned....but gotta make dinner first so it'll be an hour or two....
Last one finally got out about an hour ago. I had to take the top off for it. It had been sitting for hours with its beak sticking quite a ways out of the pip and clearly didn't have enough room to zip because it was already standing on its feet inside the egg; silly little thing. It is very happy to finally be out of the shell.

Ya'll are active today, I can barely keep up!!!!

I have 2 olive eggers out, my one dark brahma/ blue copper marans mix (that I soooo hope is a girl!) pipping, and 3 black copper marans & 3 olive eggers I'm still holding out on. A couple a rattling around a bit. I think my hatch date was really supposed to be tomorrow morning (I have the worst memory on when I put these things in) so holding out hope the last 6 hatch!


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