Now Bridge is acting like she can’t poop

You know, she may also be heading into molt. Maybe I should calm down.
You are worried so it may not be so easy to calm down.

There is something wrong with a chicken that hasn't laid an egg in a year but is there anything you can do about it?
Probably not much. :(
You know, she may also be heading into molt. Maybe I should calm down.
Yeah, they can feel pretty crummy going into molt. I know you have a vet, so I am a little hesitant to offer advice, but if she were mine I would, check for mites and lice, weigh her, tube fluids, put her in a crate on towels, wait 60-90 minutes then tube fluids again.

I know vets are expensive, but if they are open today, I think you should call them.
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You are worried so it may not be so easy to calm down.

There is something wrong with a chicken that hasn't laid an egg in a year but is there anything you can do about it?
Probably not much. :(

I know. Bummer. I’m letting her enjoy being out right now. She does have bald patches in the back. There have been a few feathers around, but hard to tell since Esther (pullet) is dropping them, too.

Just told my neighbor about Bagheera and he was shocked since Bagheera seemed like such a strong chicken.
Kathy, if I do this, what size tube? Bridge weighs 7.2 pounds today using weigh self, pick up bird, weigh again method.

She just pooped this... clearly not eating. It was almost 100° here yesterday, which may be a factor.

Kathy, if I do this, what size tube?
What sizes do you have?
Bridge weighs 7.2 pounds today using weigh self, pick up bird, weigh again method.
Big girl.
She just pooped this... clearly not eating. It was almost 100° here yesterday, which may be a factor.
It was 105 here yesterday, and a couple of mine are looking a little off too.
That doesn't look good. :(

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