Now I have more question pg 7

Okay I just went and checked and the humidity is only at 40% and the temp was 98.4, I raised the temp I think I will check on it but doesn't my humidity need to be higher? What can I do to fix it? Oh and one more thing, the probe to the thermometer, where should I set it? On the shelf the eggs will be on? Do I need some sort of a water wiggler?
I have mine outside in the barn, one of them anyway, and it keeps temps pretty steady. I think you would be doing better than me in an enclosed shop. Try it out and check the temps at all times of day for a few days.
Okay I will put a bigger water pan in there. The shop is insulated so the temps stay pretty steady. My concern is that it is setting on the concerte floor but the bottom of the incubator is insulated. It's really heave and I don't know what I could set it on.
i wouldnt,, i use bleach and water.
the humidity pan also helps disperse the "fans" air,, they say to never use 1 without the pan in there (empty or not) because you will get uneven heat and humid,, so try to find a pan that fits in there as close to the size if the "slot" as you can,, to raise humid you can also throw a sponge in there, half in the water, other half sticking out and up.

edit: ta add,,, i would watch the temp between the hours of 4 am and 8 am ,, thats when you get your biggest difference.
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