Now I know what a "flock guard" is! :PICS:

sred, that's our "special" Himalayan,which I think is a cross between a Siamese and a Persian. He is special in ways relating both to his adorableness and the fact that his fluff extends to the space between his ears. He's just a little on the slow side
We love him.

He and our other three cats have all learned to leave our cockatiel alone; I'm hoping they'll understand that the chickens are similarly off limits.
A few good pecks on the head will fix that in a hurry!
That's what cured my vicious monster! Now they beat him up for the snakes he kills!
Poor guy!

We had a wonderful black lab growing up that took care of all the babies on the farm. In fact we caught her stealing baby kittens from the neighbor she would bring them home and cuddle up with them. She once brought home a baby wood chuck, that was sad cause we had no way of knowing where its momma was to take it back. We tried to bottle feed it but it did not surivive. Poor thing. She just loved baby anything that was her job as far as she was concerned. She was spaid so I guess she just wanted to adopt. We had named her Nanny when she was just a baby so I guess we hit the nail on the head with that name.
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