Now: Milking Nigerians that had started to dry up. Goat pics on pg. 2

Haviris, That does seem strange. Maybe it's just us that has so many uses for goats milk?
I didn't push her on that one, but noticed she has lots of goats to milk.

Look what I brought home:


The reddish one still has a nice bag on her, probably plenty of milk for me for now.
You did good! Pretty gals! I love the look on the red one's face in the second picture. She looks like she just saw a ghost!
I milked today! It was kinda fun and the goats learned as much about me as I did about them, I think. I got the most milk from Shauna (the red one), and her teats are big and easy to milk once I got the first little bit out to relieve some of the tension. She just kidded 2 weeks ago, so was still full of milk. Shelly (lighter colored) has very small teats and not as much milk because she kidded about 6 weeks ago, but I learned the trick to milking her too, and got a bit of milk from both teats, even the one that appeared to have dried up already! I only got a little over a cup from both of them together, but I didn't get it all in the pail, and now that I am milking they should start producing more.

They were so cute! After I got the hang of it, they would start to lick my face and chew on my shirt. They were clearly enjoying it and started to get competitive with each other with headbutting and all while I was still milking! Once I get more organized I will have a separate area set up and hopefully a proper milk stand, but I was amazed at how smooth everything went after the initial "getting acquainted" period! These girls are only knee high, so I ended up sitting on the floor Indian style while I milked them.

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