Now there are 16 babies! Two more have hatched!! yippee!

I can't figure out why they are hatching every-other day? There were 2 other hens in the cage for a while, one of them disappeared, but I don't know when. But still, the ones that were laying should have been laying every day, so what would make them hatch staggered like they are? Do they synchronize their hatching or something?
All of these are from the 'dark' pen, so they probably all have some cinnamon in them. There are a few that look like regular cinnamons, and a few wilds. I'd have to go look to be sure. There is one red breast and one DV, and a couple that you said looked like goldens? But I don't know what they are supposed to look like, so I can't say for sure. I'll have to go look to know for sure how many 'look' cinnamon. But this makes 16 total babies so far, and there are 4 more eggs in the hatcher, and another 10 eggs in the bator, so I should get some more! There is a cinnamon hen in the 'light' cage as well. I think she is cinnamon pearl, that's what BQH had said.
Really? So I had some of those in the parent birds
There are some that are like that. So the ones I was thinking were pearls are probably sf cinnamon bluefaces, cause they weren't as red as the others were that I had hatched before (moms and dads).
There are a couple that look like cinnamon blueface, but the parent birds I have that are cinnamon blueface were very red as babies. These babies are not as red, but do look like cinnamon blueface. So, since there are sf and df cinnamon blueface, and the df is very red as chicks, with the sf being not-so-red, I believe these ones are sf instead of df.

When I hatched the parent birds, I had noticed that some of the dark w/stripes ones had different colored stripes (i.e. some yellow and some red). No one knew what the difference was. So apparently some of the parent birds are golden pearls. Probably my 1 hen that disappeared, since I believe there was only 1 that looked like that, and she was very different than the other birds.

Some of the babies look like they are 'just' cinnamon, and some look like cinnamon bluefaces. Now, what the rest of them are, I don't know. I know there are some that look like wilds, and some that are redbreasted, but the rest.......

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