Now what to expect?



Free Ranging
Mar 22, 2019
So this just totally happened tonight at almost 10pm! I'm officially a duckling mom....

My daughter works for TSC and called me this evening wanting me to take this adorable baby. The catch, she is blind! We are not sure how blind, but my daughter said one eye is more white than the other. She does not blink when you bring your finger to her eye and has a hard time actually seeing the food/water. (She does eat and drink by herself) I have her comfortably sleeping snuggled up to a stuffed bunny with a wash cloth partially on her with a low watt heat bulb, as she wouldn't stop crying without something over her. Here's the big question, how do I care for her? I dont mean the basics (I'm not that dumb lol) but I have chickens, no duck knowledge at all. I gave her some all flock crumble I have, is this ok to keep her on? Does she need to be on heat (she is in the house). What about vitamins, etc? I know they can lack niacin, what symptoms should I watch out for? Can I add a tad of nutri-drench in her water to make sure she is hydrated? Any help would be great as I want to give her a good chance at life. Oh and she didn't tell me what breed of duck is she??? Thanks.
She needs a friend. Being able to hear and follow another duck to food and water will really help her live a relatively normal life.
I knew everyone one would say this lol. I didn't even want one, now I have to tell my husband we need to get another one :th. Looks like I'm stopping by to see my daughter at work this will definitely keep me from looking at all the little chicks lol :barnie.
Add Nutri drench to her water yes. And get some type of niacin. TSC has liquid B complex in the cattle dept. it will say injectable but just peel off the foil and use a dropper to pull out half ml in the morning half in the evening it is the best stuff out there for any leg problems that may crop up and best to take care of it before. All flock has right amount of niacin but having the b complex on hand just in case is def worth it. That is such a precious duckling, bless you for adopting her. She’ll need a container deep enough to wash out her nares but she can’t climb into. If you use the liquid b complex you can give it to her over a little feed since she’s so tiny.
View attachment 1879321 View attachment 1879320 Add Nutri drench to her water yes. And get some type of niacin. TSC has liquid B complex in the cattle dept. it will say injectable but just peel off the foil and use a dropper to pull out half ml in the morning half in the evening it is the best stuff out there for any leg problems that may crop up and best to take care of it before. All flock has right amount of niacin but having the b complex on hand just in case is def worth it. That is such a precious duckling, bless you for adopting her. She’ll need a container deep enough to wash out her nares but she can’t climb into. If you use the liquid b complex you can give it to her over a little feed since she’s so tiny.
Thank you for the help. She actually does walk around, but not sure if its because she is blind or possibly something else she walks a little funny. We haven't let her down much (kids won't stop holding her) but will to asses the walking better. That water container is awesome, that is a Tupperware cut right?

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