Now what? Treated with antibiotics


9 Years
Nov 18, 2014
What if other birds are not showing symptoms. Would that be bacterial infection? How long does a hen live if it has pneumonia? Wouldn't other hens have it after a week or so? One of my birds has a gurgling sound when I stroke her neck. She sneezes, don't think it's a caugh. IT is too late and pointless to quarantine at this point. The other chickens are bound to have been infected. Thinking all the hens would catch "it" I treated the whole flock, 5 birds, with antibiotics Tetracycline. I had the water out for 2 days then replaced it with a probiotic water. The one hen still seems to sneeze and has a runny nose. The others seem fine. The sneezing hen eats poops drinks is normal except her sneeze. Any suggestions on what to do now?
I am sorry I don't have suggestions in terms of help, but I am experiencing something similar in my flock. My problem started back in the summer with one hen with frequent sneezing and a slight gurgling sound. It wasn't until October that other flock members started developing the same symptoms. Now in November, I am still battling it. I took one of mine to a veterinary that treats birds and have tried two different antibiotics with only some success. Some recovered completely at this point, while others started with the gurgling sounds again. They eat, drink, lay eggs, and act like normal chickens with the exception of the respiratory symptoms. Since I haven't had great success treating them, I had a test performed on one of my birds earlier in the week to find out exactly what I am dealing with it. The results with help the veterinary know the best course of treatment. At this point I am waiting to get the results back to see where to go from here.

Best of luck with your flock.
... Since I haven't had great success treating them, I had a test performed on one of my birds earlier in the week to find out exactly what I am dealing with it. The results with help the veterinary know the best course of treatment. ...
That's the best course of action. A little late but good for you getting a necropsy.

You know how frustrating it is to have something go on forever without knowing what you're dealing with.

The ones that improved with the antibiotic probably had a secondary infection. The problem is more likely viral, fungal or a bacterium that isn't treatable with the antibiotics you used.

Same goes for the OP. Tetracycline won't treat all bacterial infections and does nothing for the multitude of other things that could be wrong except help with a secondary bacterial issue that can be controlled with tetracycline.
I am sorry I don't have suggestions in terms of help, but I am experiencing something similar in my flock. My problem started back in the summer with one hen with frequent sneezing and a slight gurgling sound. It wasn't until October that other flock members started developing the same symptoms. Now in November, I am still battling it. I took one of mine to a veterinary that treats birds and have tried two different antibiotics with only some success. Some recovered completely at this point, while others started with the gurgling sounds again. They eat, drink, lay eggs, and act like normal chickens with the exception of the respiratory symptoms. Since I haven't had great success treating them, I had a test performed on one of my birds earlier in the week to find out exactly what I am dealing with it. The results with help the veterinary know the best course of treatment. At this point I am waiting to get the results back to see where to go from here. 

Best of luck with your flock. 

Curiously, what antibiotics have you tried?

I happened upon this thread again when I was searching for something else.

I'm curious...was anyone able to find anything more out?
How are your birds doing health wise now? @theartsypaul & @BrickCoop15

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