NPIP certification in Alabama...


Sudden Reptile Fanatic
5 Years
Jul 8, 2018
Hi! :frow
I’m looking into becoming NPIP, but really more for selling and shipping duck eggs. Maybe silkie chicken eggs as well. I’m aware with NPIP the whole flock has to be tested.... So, the link below says all adult birds must be tested. What about young Poultry?

If anyone is willing to educate me on the process it’d be very much appreciated! :D

Btw, I have chickens, quail, ducks, and guineas- how will they manage to catch the guineas?? They won’t go into a coop no matter how hard I try, so basically they’d spend hours chasing them around 12+ Acres all day.

Thanks in advance,
~ Kayla
Hi! :frow
I’m looking into becoming NPIP, but really more for selling and shipping duck eggs. Maybe silkie chicken eggs as well. I’m aware with NPIP the whole flock has to be tested.... So, the link below says all adult birds must be tested. What about young Poultry?

If anyone is willing to educate me on the process it’d be very much appreciated! :D

Btw, I have chickens, quail, ducks, and guineas- how will they manage to catch the guineas?? They won’t go into a coop no matter how hard I try, so basically they’d spend hours chasing them around 12+ Acres all day.

Thanks in advance,
~ Kayla

Here in LA they told me they didnt need to test my quail til theyd been over 3 months so even tho that was 2/3s of my numbers and only left 11 chickens thats what they wanted to do. In the case of the chickens theyd need to be 4 months.

On the guineas i have no idea im sorry.
Here in LA they told me they didnt need to test my quail til theyd been over 3 months so even tho that was 2/3s of my numbers and only left 11 chickens thats what they wanted to do. In the case of the chickens theyd need to be 4 months.

On the guineas i have no idea im sorry.
Thank you for your response! :) I too am not sure about the guineas. :hmm
Your very welcome. Theres no way theyll even go in a coop to Eat where u could trap em real quick like? Could u alter your routine to force them to go inside to eat or theyll jus skip the feed?
They separate into groups of 4 and 4 so they’re rarely all in the same place. But I will keep trying. :)
:DI'm npip in Alabama. Not much to it. They test at least 30 birds and tag their legs with a metal band. A drop of blood and then a qtip from the mouth and done. You have to catch your birds for them. I just dont let them out that day. Sorry I'm just now typing all this but I just joined. O and my fee was $10 by check. I'm here if you need me.:cool:
:DI'm npip in Alabama. Not much to it. They test at least 30 birds and tag their legs with a metal band. A drop of blood and then a qtip from the mouth and done. You have to catch your birds for them. I just dont let them out that day. Sorry I'm just now typing all this but I just joined. O and my fee was $10 by check. I'm here if you need me.:cool:

Great info! :welcome an asset already :highfive:
:DI'm npip in Alabama. Not much to it. They test at least 30 birds and tag their legs with a metal band. A drop of blood and then a qtip from the mouth and done. You have to catch your birds for them. I just dont let them out that day. Sorry I'm just now typing all this but I just joined. O and my fee was $10 by check. I'm here if you need me.:cool:
Oh, thank you! So they don’t test all of the birds? Just 30 adults?

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