Nude Chick


5 Years
Mar 9, 2014
Hello, everyone.

We had a broody Silkie hatch and raise a clutch of ten mixed chicks (EE, Sumatra and two of her own eggs).
Of the two Silkie mixes hatched, one is most definitely a very handsome normal-feathered cockerel.
The other... well she's very naked.
She started off normally enough, all mottled fuzz. When she began to feather out, her wings came in nicely, and some breast feathers, but that's it. her neck is entirely nude, her back, undercarriage and tail feathers are missing. She does have a top-not and beard...
Weird genetics?
I tried searching the forums, and it seems there have been a few incidents, but I wasn't able to access any photos to compare.
I've been meticulously checking for pests (none), but I have noticed slight scabbing occasionally as though some feathers had perhaps ingrown, or maybe a peck from a sibling.
She's very small compared to her hatch mates, but acts normally.
I'll try and grab a photo later.
Type 'naked chickens' in the search bar at the top of the page and do an on site search. Threads on naked necks will appear, but also some threads about naked chickens will appear. Do not do this search on the internet - anything is likely to appear there.
Type 'naked chickens' in the search bar at the top of the page and do an on site search.  Threads on naked necks will appear, but also some threads about naked chickens will appear.  Do not do this search on the internet - anything is likely to appear there.  :oops:

Haha, yes. Sadly those key words are dangerous Google fodder.
I did do a search here, and the posts were intriguing but many of the photos aren't working for me. The ones that did show up didn't look like our little Quasimodo.
I haven't been able to grab a photo yet. We've been in a heat wave and the flock has been sheltering under shrubbery to keep cool.

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