Nutrition for ducklings living outdoors


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2024
Hi everyone,

Yesterday we moved our 4.5 week old Khakis outside. It's quite toasty right now where we live although it will be going down to about 13 degrees C at night over the next few days. I'm not concerned that they'll be cold in their house since it's insulated and we are monitoring the temperature with a remote thermometer (with other options to warm it up if we need to).

That being said, we've been letting them spend the majority of their mornings/afternoons outside for the past 5 days or so. And since then I've noticed they've been eating less of their duck starter w/ niacin sprinkled on top. I'm going to assume that's because they're foraging on their own in the pond and surrounding areas. Do I need to be concerned that their nutritional requirements are being met outside of what's being provided for them at night (feed with niacin in their house)?

Are they eating once put up inside? What type of niacin?
They didn't eat much last night but I'm guessing that is because they were a little spooked not being in the actual house. Every time I looked at them through the remote camera that's in their duck house they had their eyes open.

We've been adding brewer's yeast in with their feed since we got them. When I've been giving them some peas/lettuce/etc in water I've also been adding some brewer's yeast in there as well.
The article is lengthy so I pasted the main idea:
  • Allowing the ducks to free-range – Another excellent way to prevent niacin deficiencies in your duck flock is by allowing the birds to free-range. Free-range ducks feed on many niacin-rich foods like insects and bugs. Because ducks are fantastic hunters, these birds will seek out the specific foods they want, including niacin-rich foods. If you allow the flock to free-range, you will protect your ducks from niacin deficiencies while spending less on duck feed.
duckducksnooze said;
"I've noticed they've been eating less of their duck starter w/ niacin sprinkled on top. I'm going to assume that's because they're foraging on their own in the pond and surrounding areas."

Yes, they'll eat less feed while free ranging.

A natural pond, an area to hunt bugs, and supplemental niacin in the evenings = excellent duck nutrition. Ms Lydia will guide you to quality niacin supplements :)
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The article is lengthy so I pasted the main idea:
  • Allowing the ducks to free-range – Another excellent way to prevent niacin deficiencies in your duck flock is by allowing the birds to free-range. Free-range ducks feed on many niacin-rich foods like insects and bugs. Because ducks are fantastic hunters, these birds will seek out the specific foods they want, including niacin-rich foods. If you allow the flock to free-range, you will protect your ducks from niacin deficiencies while spending less on duck feed.
A natural pond, an area to hunt bugs, and supplemental niacin in the evenings = excellent duck nutrition. Ms Lydia will guide you to quality niacin supplements :)
That's very helpful and puts my mind at ease :)

They love the pond and the tall grass around it. I have no doubts they're eating tons of bugs!
Hi everyone,

Yesterday we moved our 4.5 week old Khakis outside. It's quite toasty right now where we live although it will be going down to about 13 degrees C at night over the next few days. I'm not concerned that they'll be cold in their house since it's insulated and we are monitoring the temperature with a remote thermometer (with other options to warm it up if we need to).

That being said, we've been letting them spend the majority of their mornings/afternoons outside for the past 5 days or so. And since then I've noticed they've been eating less of their duck starter w/ niacin sprinkled on top. I'm going to assume that's because they're foraging on their own in the pond and surrounding areas. Do I need to be concerned that their nutritional requirements are being met outside of what's being provided for them at night (feed with niacin in their house)?

Yes, ducks need 3x more niacin than chickens but the ducks eat 3x more than a chicken. I wouldn't worry about the supplements so much as long as they are foraging. These critters come preprogrammed to know what to eat and where to get all the nutrients they need. The feed should be used as the supplement when free ranging, instead of the other way around. As long as their beaks and feet have good color, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Most of us supplement with Nutritional yeast especailly with large breeds like Pekins who can become niacin deficient even as adults. 1 Tablespoon over each cup of feed offered should be enough. Even though my youngest are now 8 months old now I still supplement with Nutritional yeast every other day it is so good for them. Mine are out on little over half acre daily. They have feed free choice also. When we have egg layers I think it is important they have feed free choice it takes alot out of them producing eggs daily.

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