NY chicken lover!!!!

What kind of tap would you use for squirrels? I have been chasing them around with a bb gun, but they keep coming back(of course they do free food!) neighbors are to close for a real gun.....
TSC has a smaller box trap that I have used to catch rats. Being squirrels are just tree rats that is what I would use. This way you can contain them in the trap to kill them with your bb gun . BTW a pellet gun upgrade might be a good idea.
Lately, I have been so mad at them I could kill them with a shovel.
might be a quicker death than a bb gun. A pellet gun can have the power of a .22. Much more lethal quickly
Have you ever heard of Hart gun barrels? It is a small place here that manufactures some of the best precision guns, sharp shooters etc use them. They are located next door to the building we bought for our woodshop--I finally got my garage back. Perhaps a woman I know who used to work there would teach me .... Hmm. I don't expect to become a hunter for enjoyment or sport, but,,,more in the don't tread on me kind...Hear that coyotes, foxes and all?
Morning all! All this talk about guns and squirrels has me all excited! My dh has a highpower pellet gun that has pretty much eliminated all the red and grey tree rats along with the chipmunks. One shot, one kill. Anything bigger and he has the appropriate weapon for the appropriate situation. I also use them from time to time when he isnt here to defend the territory. Pellet guns work great on tree rats.

Ginny--Squirrel stew is very tasty as well as oven fried squirrel. Its skinning them thats a pain in the you know what. I have eaten most everything that comes from the woods. Most are good, some are okay.

Hen--good for you taking a class and learning to shoot! All women should learn to shoot and handle guns.

Adorava---I built my silkie coop with very little knowledge of power tools and construction. Still have all my digits and it looks pretty good! Its dry, easy to clean and predator proof. Built the run too. Learned a lot from doing it myself. You can do it. Home Depot and lowes offers classes if you arent comfortable with using power tools. My brother scavanged most of the materials for me. Here is a pic:

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