NY chicken lover!!!!

Quote: I was replying to this post :
They have chicks
- they have what they need in their feed . I found a link before ..Cant find it now

Tomorrow is moving day - my chicks will go outside into the chicken tractor =). I am so excited and can't wait ti watch them explore their new territory. Also on tomorrows list is buying more feed, start the first fermented batch and get some grit. Then once they are out of the "nest" I will have to clean my now very dust garage.
So much other cleaning to do also I could use 6 hands and 2 heads =).
I'm pretty sure, no feed has grit in it. Especially pellets & crumbles. Chickens don't need grit if they are on a manufactured feed in the form of pellets & crumbles. The feed breaks down without grit when it gets wet. They need grit when they are eating whole grains & other hard foods that need to be ground up in their gizzard.

You are right ...I didnt see the couple I looked at did . Most chickens that free range get enough grit right ?
I see mine eating dirt all the time ..
Bathing a cat? My 2 children and I attempted to bathe our cat and now 25 years later, we all agree that we'll never do that again! It's still very fresh in our minds. lol
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Morning all! Beautiful day today. I am up to six silkie chicks hatched out now! Woot! Now Im hoping that my broody silkie girls hatch out the eggs they are on as well. I need lots to hatch so I can grow them out and decide who stays and who goes. Today is my day off so I get to clean coops, do laundry, fix and use my vaccuum and run errands. Dh calls it my "day of leisure". Not sure what a day of leisure is! I have washed my cat on occasion and other cats I have owned. They were always pretty good about it. My dog was worse. He was a lab and they are supposed to love water but not him. If you told him to get in the tub for a bath after he rolled in something nasty, he looked at you like you were inflicting the worst torture ever upon him. Sometime you had to fight to get him in the tub and he would always try to get out. There was more water all over the bathroom sometimes than on him! When he got old, I think he just gave up and accepted the inevitable because he would just get in the tub and let the girls wash him up without trying to escape. Some water dog!

Enjoy your day everyone!
Quote: I was replying to this post :
They have chicks
- they have what they need in their feed . I found a link before ..Cant find it now

Tomorrow is moving day - my chicks will go outside into the chicken tractor =). I am so excited and can't wait ti watch them explore their new territory. Also on tomorrows list is buying more feed, start the first fermented batch and get some grit. Then once they are out of the "nest" I will have to clean my now very dust garage.
So much other cleaning to do also I could use 6 hands and 2 heads =).
I'm pretty sure, no feed has grit in it. Especially pellets & crumbles. Chickens don't need grit if they are on a manufactured feed in the form of pellets & crumbles. The feed breaks down without grit when it gets wet. They need grit when they are eating whole grains & other hard foods that need to be ground up in their gizzard.

You are right ...I didnt see the couple I looked at did . Most chickens that free range get enough grit right ?
I see mine eating dirt all the time ..
I'd hate to think that the expensive chicken feed I buy, was 50# because it had grit in it!

I do give grit in the winter time if I am feeding whole grains. Otherwise I don't. Right now I'm feeding fermented grains so I am giving grit to the chickens who don't have outside access.
I agree Marquisella, that would make me angry. I have never fed any of my birds grit and they do just fine. They all have access to the outside, except for the chicks of course but they only get feed until 4 weeks when I kick them out.
I'm up to 14 chicks now out of 34 eggs. Still lots to go!
It sure is ...then you find out there are hundreds of breeds ...I want one of each ...LOL
How Cute ! It looks like you both had a bath !
I have the sickness also. I can't stop filling the incubator. Up to now it has been manageable as I have had orders for the chicks. With this next hatch I will be choosing some to to add to my Lavender project and surely will have chicks left over.I would like to know opinions on how to sell the remaining chicks. Is craigslist the best way to advertise chicks?
I have the sickness also. I can't stop filling the incubator. Up to now it has been manageable as I have had orders for the chicks. With this next hatch I will be choosing some to to add to my Lavender project and surely will have chicks left over.I would like to know opinions on how to sell the remaining chicks. Is craigslist the best way to advertise chicks?

There is a chicken and small stock tailgate sale in Sloansville once a month. It costs $5 to sell. That's where I take some of my excess. There is a facebook page http://www.facebook.com/groups/SloansvilleSwap/ where a lot of buying and selling goes on in between. I have had good luck with my contacts there and sold quite a few (including roosters) by PMing those looking for what I have.
There is a chicken and small stock tailgate sale in Sloansville once a month. It costs $5 to sell. That's where I take some of my excess. There is a facebook page http://www.facebook.com/groups/SloansvilleSwap/ where a lot of buying and selling goes on in between. I have had good luck with my contacts there and sold quite a few (including roosters) by PMing those looking for what I have.
I wish it were a little closer...I'm so sick of getting replies to my ads on CL asking if the extra roos are still available and then when I respond saying they are I never hear back again...ever. Its so annoying.

Well I have 2 broody ducks now who are both sharing the same nest. Fine with me, I don't need any more duck eggs at this point. Still have 2 dozen in my fridge. I also have collected eggs from my orpingtons and I'm going to set one more batch for this year. I was going to hatch from both girls but I've decided since they are consistant layers to only gather 7 from my blue hen with hopes to get more splash. I'll let them grow out, see who is a roo, who is a hen, who looks the nicest and then decide to who to part with from there. I'd like to get a nice looking splash hen to add to my trio (I already have one chick growing out) and possibly keep roo and "retire" Gru? Who knows. He doesn't bother anyone so probably not. Unless of course the next Roo ends up being just as nice or nicer than him.

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