NY chicken lover!!!!

you no i think we tend to put the plastic up to hold the warmth in and with good intentions of keeping them warmer.but i think it also holds the moisture in and causes more harm then good ..i did the same thing with my coop last yr and i had some pretty frostbiten birds from it ..i have since removed the plastic and filled in the cracks in the coop and i am seeing alot less frostbite then last yr ..i also have alot more birds but i think even with the venting i have done , it seems to be alot less damaging to the birds ..i think as long as we can keep them from having drafty coops with out the plastic we are further ahead then to use it ..sorry am i rambling now ..

I agree and I was going to caulk the drafts, but winter caught me and I will have to wait till Spring to caulk. I only use the plastic around the 2-foot summer gaps to keep the high winds out and will remove it in the spring. I will be updating all the caulking and adding another room on the coop in the summer, so, hopefully, next winter will be easier :)
Ok now I am rested up from my weekend of hospital work it is time to get back to the chickens. Weekends are always exhausting for me when I work as I usually do 43 hours from Friday to Sunday but am all rested up now so any requests on baby chicks or heritage breed turkeys? Getting ready to order so let me know if you want anything
Are you ordering any kind of Heritage breed turkeys or just the whites? (I can't remember. I'll have to look to see if I can find the post)

I'd like to get some Royal Palms and some Bourbon Reds maybe a Spanish black.

If you aren't ordering those then maybe there is someone that would want to go in with me on an order if I order them from someplace else?
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Are you ordering any kind of Heritage breed turkeys or just the whites? (I can't remember. I'll have to look to see if I can find the post)

I'd like to get some Royal Palms and some Bourbon Reds maybe a Spanish black.

If you aren't ordering those then maybe there is someone that would want to go in with me on an order if I order them from someplace else?

I am ordering Heritage also so how many do you want and how many does anyone else want
NO! do not think because you have a blue fertile egg - you will get blue egg layers ! There is so much that goes into this .... and so many people call eggs that I say are tinted greenish blue a blue - that I am disgusted by the whole "blue egg" thing

As you can tell - I am not happy withe "blue" breeders as a whole - not just my two - but I've shown the eggs around, talked about it to multiple breeders and told I did get what I paid for - blue ... but it sure isn't blue in my book. I say - call it what it is ... it is still a pretty egg and nice hens.
Are you going to send me pics of your green eggs ?
. Lancing is not recommended due to the introduction of infection, the source of which is plentiful in chicken area. Nothing is recommended to put on but if it were me and I felt the need to do something it would be antibacterial cream, no pain relief formula. Ski patrol training applied to chickens.
it already looks infected to me ..probably why it is all blown / swelled up ?
ha ha gramma sorry - got sidetracked with the COLD REFRIGERATOR I am living !

Will send this afternoon - taking with 2 different cameras .... ha ha
Ok now I am rested up from my weekend of hospital work it is time to get back to the chickens. Weekends are always exhausting for me when I work as I usually do 43 hours from Friday to Sunday but am all rested up now so any requests on baby chicks or heritage breed turkeys? Getting ready to order so let me know if you want anything

Nutty that's a lot of time in a few days...Holy cow! Thanks for your duty to our health system!
Chickens are different than people, but probably not too much when it comes to frost bite. There are different degrees of frostbite, and the more severe include blistering and blackened skin. They say to warm up, and not let the area refreeze. You should keep him inside until all healed, and hopefully it will be warmer by then. Lancing is not recommended due to the introduction of infection, the source of which is plentiful in chicken area. Nothing is recommended to put on but if it were me and I felt the need to do something it would be antibacterial cream, no pain relief formula. Ski patrol training applied to chickens.

Are you going to send me pics of your green eggs ?
it already looks infected to me ..probably why it is all blown / swelled up ?

I had a Australorp Roo that looked the same way. When he would drink his wattles got wet............................. bingo frostbite. I kept Vaseline on them, so they would be protected from the water and left him alone. They were very sore and felt really warm, from the swelling. It took about a week and the swelling came down, without any special treatment other than applying the ointment
Evening all. Heat wave today...it was 30. Had to pull out the shorts and flipflops and tank top, apply sunscreen and sit out for a while. Oh wait, that was in my dream. Sorry. The need for green outside is becoming overwhelming. Cheeps are doing well. I started coating The Dukes and Roosters combs and waddles with egg white to see if it helps the bit of frostbite they have on them. I didnt get any resistance from them and they were really cool about it tonight when I applied it again. Only time will tell if it works. The alternative is vaseline or neosporin but I figure the dried coating of the egg white will do the job just as well. All any of it does is create a barrier between the comb/waddles and moisture. Much like putting a handcream on that leaves a barrier so your hands dont get wet much. Everyone else looks good, just want spring here. I bought some broccoli and grapes for them today and chickendaddy saved his ribs scraps for them. Will stop and pick up some kale tomorrow. Keeps everyone busy with some good stuff.

I saw the pic of the roo with the swollen waddles (or was it a turkey?). Anyways, to answer the question thrown my way...if it were me, I would bring him in and inspect him closely. If there is no obstruction to his breathing and drinking/eating, I would give him 24 hours in a warm cage to see if the swelling goes down. Sometimes the body just needs some time, warmth and rest to recoup itself and get back to normal. I would not lance the tissue unless I could definately feel a pocket of fluid, and that would be after I gave him at least 2 days, maybe 3, to recover. Any time you open a hole, you leave the body open to becoming infected. I dont like to do so unless absolutely necessary. Again, this is how I would have treated the bird if it were mine.

Beer Can--that would be a heck of a commute if you and your wife did that! Its warmer in Alaska right now than it is here though.

Im going to chickenstock this year. Let me know if any of you want heritage rir chicks, straightrun. It will help me decide how many eggs to set in my bator.

Heres a pic of The Duke--my heritage rir roo. Crappy phone pic but he thinks hes the man! Both he and his brother Rooster Cogburn are really nice roos. Easily handled, good with the ladies and neither has ever challenged me or dh, Excellent boys. The ladies are nosey and always underfoot but great layers and all have handled this weather like its nothing.

Everyone be safe and warm and I hope your cheeps are all healthy and well.

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