NY chicken lover!!!!

So Sorry ... sometimes you never know why they pass ..
With Bobby I should have known ...when they started picking on him ..
as his comb was pale ...the 1st sign they are sick

Thanks. Now i have one silkie rooster left and one easter egger rooster. My ee roo is lopsided though. I dont think he can mate well. It seems one leg is longer than amother and he is scared of everyone.
Im sorry you lost yours Grandma

He was a sweet boy ..a Olive egger from Tab ... .I still have 2.....and a Midget roo

Bought a candler
looking at just a regular egg
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Sun's supposed to shine today... I'm hoping today is the day I get two eggs instead of just one. I'll probably get none just to make it really interesting!
Realized a few days ago that a second one is in the midst of a light molt- I didn't even notice it until I realized that she has pin feathers popping through close to her face. The one who has been in a heavier molt is starting to look better again, and yesterday I noticed her comb is just slightly pinker and plumper. I'm glad.
The two who molted (less than a year old) were my two most consistent layers- is that typical?
Sun's supposed to shine today... I'm hoping today is the day I get two eggs instead of just one. I'll probably get none just to make it really interesting!
Realized a few days ago that a second one is in the midst of a light molt- I didn't even notice it until I realized that she has pin feathers popping through close to her face. The one who has been in a heavier molt is starting to look better again, and yesterday I noticed her comb is just slightly pinker and plumper. I'm glad.
The two who molted (less than a year old) were my two most consistent layers- is that typical?

Im not sure. Mine are still going through molt. But feathers coming back. I switched feed to game bird feed. And BOSS for treats of course. They are looking a lot better since using game bird feed with layer feed. It is a bit more expensive though.

Hope you get more eggs today!
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Happy chickens today. This is day 4 of all day freedom. They are so much happier when they can go play with the horses. They somehow keep nice and safe even under the feet of 3 foals. I think a big reason I don't have a predator problem when they are out is the predators are afraid of the horse hoofs.

So we decided last night where the turkey trio will live come spring. They will have a nice sized coop with an open run out towards the back lot.

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